DB NameDB IdInstanceInst numReleaseRACHost

Snap IdSnap TimeSessionsCursors/Session
Begin Snap:1460208-Jun-09 15:00:52145 164.1
End Snap:1460408-Jun-09 16:00:20163 164.1
Elapsed:  59.47 (mins)  
DB Time:  324.72 (mins)  

Report Summary

Cache Sizes

Buffer Cache: 5,776M 5,776MStd Block Size: 8K
Shared Pool Size: 3,376M 3,376MLog Buffer: 14,432K

Load Profile

Per SecondPer Transaction
Redo size: 15,771.80 6,788.92
Logical reads: 3,755.92 1,616.72
Block changes: 99.77 42.95
Physical reads: 40.64 17.49
Physical writes: 31.20 13.43
User calls: 108.70 46.79
Parses: 54.16 23.31
Hard parses: 11.97 5.15
Sorts: 16.05 6.91
Logons: 0.12 0.05
Executes: 91.72 39.48
Transactions: 2.32 

% Blocks changed per Read: 2.66Recursive Call %: 77.58
Rollback per transaction %: 0.45Rows per Sort: 276.27

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)

Buffer Nowait %: 100.00Redo NoWait %: 100.00
Buffer Hit %: 99.51In-memory Sort %: 100.00
Library Hit %: 95.36Soft Parse %: 77.90
Execute to Parse %: 40.95Latch Hit %: 99.50
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 4.86% Non-Parse CPU: 86.62

Shared Pool Statistics

Memory Usage %: 93.26 92.97
% SQL with executions>1: 90.65 88.98
% Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 72.20 74.79

Top 5 Timed Events

EventWaitsTime(s)Avg Wait(ms)% Total Call TimeWait Class
latch: library cache 96,972 12,151 125 62.4Concurrency
library cache pin 1,269 2,676 2,109 13.7Concurrency
latch: shared pool 52,785 2,470 47 12.7Concurrency
CPU time  2,408  12.4 
SQL*Net more data from dblink 3,340 94 28 .5Network

Main Report

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Wait Events Statistics

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Time Model Statistics

Statistic NameTime (s)% of DB Time
sql execute elapsed time 14,478.17 74.31
parse time elapsed 8,292.10 42.56
hard parse elapsed time 2,697.51 13.85
DB CPU 2,408.39 12.36
PL/SQL execution elapsed time 887.48 4.56
hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time 680.36 3.49
PL/SQL compilation elapsed time 663.20 3.40
hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time 534.68 2.74
connection management call elapsed time 180.55 0.93
failed parse elapsed time 21.23 0.11
repeated bind elapsed time 3.16 0.02
sequence load elapsed time 2.58 0.01
Java execution elapsed time 1.04 0.01
inbound PL/SQL rpc elapsed time 0.00 0.00
DB time 19,483.19  
background elapsed time 203.64  
background cpu time 42.12  

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Wait Class

Wait ClassWaits%Time -outsTotal Wait Time (s)Avg wait (ms)Waits /txn
Concurrency 241,499 0.34 17,323 72 29.13
User I/O 33,335 0.00 139 4 4.02
Network 597,235 0.00 105 0 72.05
System I/O 47,168 0.00 36 1 5.69
Other 2,142 5.98 33 16 0.26
Application 1,218 0.41 29 23 0.15
Commit 8,100 0.00 12 1 0.98
Scheduler 305 0.00 2 6 0.04
Configuration 3 0.00 0 74 0.00

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Wait Events

EventWaits%Time -outsTotal Wait Time (s)Avg wait (ms)Waits /txn
latch: library cache 96,972 0.00 12,151 125 11.70
library cache pin 1,269 62.25 2,676 2109 0.15
latch: shared pool 52,785 0.00 2,470 47 6.37
SQL*Net more data from dblink 3,340 0.00 94 28 0.40
db file sequential read 23,540 0.00 82 3 2.84
direct path write temp 2,660 0.00 37 14 0.32
enq: TX - row lock contention 14 35.71 27 1926 0.00
latch free 576 0.00 22 38 0.07
os thread startup 29 68.97 21 729 0.00
db file scattered read 4,143 0.00 19 4 0.50
log file parallel write 16,574 0.00 17 1 2.00
log file sync 8,100 0.00 12 1 0.98
control file parallel write 3,575 0.00 11 3 0.43
SQL*Net more data to client 125,926 0.00 10 0 15.19
db file parallel write 17,817 0.00 9 0 2.15
kksfbc child completion 128 100.00 7 56 0.02
latch: row cache objects 124 0.00 4 35 0.01
enq: JS - queue lock 35 0.00 3 88 0.00
resmgr:cpu quantum 305 0.00 2 6 0.04
SQL*Net break/reset to client 1,201 0.00 2 1 0.14
row cache lock 35 0.00 1 22 0.00
direct path read temp 2,660 0.00 1 0 0.32
change tracking file synchronous write 57 0.00 1 9 0.01
change tracking file synchronous read 57 0.00 0 6 0.01
read by other session 55 0.00 0 5 0.01
control file sequential read 9,202 0.00 0 0 1.11
enq: SQ - contention 1 0.00 0 222 0.00
SQL*Net message to client 325,762 0.00 0 0 39.30
cursor: mutex X 84,078 0.00 0 0 10.14
db file parallel read 14 0.00 0 12 0.00
wait list latch free 7 0.00 0 14 0.00
SQL*Net message to dblink 141,928 0.00 0 0 17.12
latch: library cache pin 15 0.00 0 5 0.00
LGWR wait for redo copy 1,272 0.00 0 0 0.15
enq: RO - fast object reuse 2 0.00 0 22 0.00
cursor: mutex S 6,182 0.00 0 0 0.75
SQL*Net more data to dblink 232 0.00 0 0 0.03
SQL*Net more data from client 47 0.00 0 0 0.01
direct path read 3 0.00 0 2 0.00
latch: In memory undo latch 2 0.00 0 1 0.00
rdbms ipc reply 3 0.00 0 0 0.00
latch: session allocation 3 0.00 0 0 0.00
latch: cache buffers chains 3 0.00 0 0 0.00
buffer busy waits 4 0.00 0 0 0.00
reliable message 2 0.00 0 0 0.00
direct path write 260 0.00 0 0 0.03
enq: CU - contention 1 0.00 0 0 0.00
latch: redo writing 2 0.00 0 0 0.00
latch: redo allocation 1 0.00 0 0 0.00
SQL*Net break/reset to dblink 1 0.00 0 0 0.00
latch: library cache lock 1 0.00 0 0 0.00
SQL*Net message from client 325,745 0.00 334,682 1027 39.30
jobq slave wait 1,320 90.08 3,682 2789 0.16
virtual circuit status 120 100.00 3,504 29198 0.01
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait 128 0.00 3,493 27291 0.02
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait 258 50.39 3,493 13539 0.03
wait for unread message on broadcast channel 3,543 99.77 3,489 985 0.43
Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue 714 98.88 3,460 4846 0.09
Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cleanup tasks 39 46.15 3,310 84872 0.00
SQL*Net message from dblink 141,929 0.00 478 3 17.12
class slave wait 4 100.00 20 4887 0.00
single-task message 201 0.00 8 40 0.02

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Background Wait Events

EventWaits%Time -outsTotal Wait Time (s)Avg wait (ms)Waits /txn
latch: library cache 505 0.00 84 166 0.06
os thread startup 29 68.97 21 729 0.00
log file parallel write 16,577 0.00 17 1 2.00
latch: shared pool 248 0.00 12 47 0.03
control file parallel write 3,575 0.00 11 3 0.43
db file parallel write 17,867 0.00 9 0 2.16
events in waitclass Other 1,428 0.00 4 3 0.17
control file sequential read 6,640 0.00 0 0 0.80
latch: row cache objects 3 0.00 0 55 0.00
latch: redo writing 2 0.00 0 0 0.00
direct path write 5 0.00 0 0 0.00
rdbms ipc message 27,475 46.19 40,131 1461 3.31
pmon timer 1,442 100.00 3,500 2427 0.17
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait 128 0.00 3,493 27291 0.02
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait 258 50.39 3,493 13539 0.03
smon timer 80 2.50 3,423 42789 0.01
Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cleanup tasks 39 46.15 3,310 84872 0.00
class slave wait 1 100.00 5 4889 0.00

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Operating System Statistics

BUSY_TIME 297,602
IDLE_TIME 1,146,973
SYS_TIME 28,430
USER_TIME 269,172
VM_IN_BYTES 2,367,488

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Service Statistics

Service NameDB Time (s)DB CPU (s)Physical ReadsLogical Reads
VNP 17,803.80 2,062.30 140,497 11,742,678
SYS$USERS 1,215.30 290.80 4,001 1,414,214
SYS$BACKGROUND 0.00 0.00 369 86,276
VNPXDB 0.00 0.00 0 0

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Service Wait Class Stats

Service NameUser I/O Total WtsUser I/O Wt TimeConcurcy Total WtsConcurcy Wt TimeAdmin Total WtsAdmin Wt TimeNetwork Total WtsNetwork Wt Time
VNP 31869 13110 231246 1622192 0 0 575928 10475
SYS$USERS 1030 641 8836 90153 0 0 19993 4
SYS$BACKGROUND 433 122 790 11590 0 0 0 0

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SQL Statistics

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SQL ordered by Elapsed Time

Elapsed Time (s)CPU Time (s)Executions Elap per Exec (s) % Total DB Time SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
1,154 19     5.92 3tdhywvcgdzvx   select * from (SELECT nvl(disp...
668 231 48 13.93 3.43 b058ymxj1rvkg Admin Connection SELECT sql_id, sql_text from v...
556 9 11 50.57 2.86 btn0n7756q409   begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_trac...
554 9 11 50.32 2.84 1uybv5w95akxw   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
455 54     2.34 fmg55191p2fv7   select distinct
416 10 5 83.18 2.13 dq15xdpusd899   begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_trac...
412 10 5 82.35 2.11 89nfd4778yx5c   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
253 41     1.30 038wwtksywn3c   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
214 27 2 107.15 1.10 f6kjhnkzgs2hm   begin :1 := CCS_ADMIN.pttb_tht...
207 6 6 34.46 1.06 2mnsvwjq7cmj7   begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_trac...
203 6 6 33.90 1.04 5bn82p826rubs   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...

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SQL ordered by CPU Time

CPU Time (s)Elapsed Time (s)Executions CPU per Exec (s)% Total DB Time SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
231 668 48 4.81 3.43 b058ymxj1rvkg Admin Connection SELECT sql_id, sql_text from v...
85 93 3,133 0.03 0.48 6mfqvwgkmqchx oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT SUM("A1"."NOGOC"+"A1"."...
54 455     2.34 fmg55191p2fv7   select distinct
41 253     1.30 038wwtksywn3c   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
39 42 8 4.82 0.21 8z1fgr6wzkqz9   select * from (SELECT ph.chung...
38 41 23 1.65 0.21 0araq3sudk126   SELECT rownum stt, x.* FROM (...
27 214 2 13.51 1.10 f6kjhnkzgs2hm   begin :1 := CCS_ADMIN.pttb_tht...
26 176 2 13.02 0.91 0dfm88ub23204   SELECT MA_TN FROM CCS_HNM.NGU...
25 77 1 24.78 0.40 2jgzkt98xkw4z   begin :1 := CCS_ADMIN.qltn_tra...
25 77 1 24.76 0.39 6tf2uz2c218jr   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
19 1,154     5.92 3tdhywvcgdzvx   select * from (SELECT nvl(disp...
10 412 5 1.99 2.11 89nfd4778yx5c   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
10 416 5 1.99 2.13 dq15xdpusd899   begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_trac...
9 554 11 0.79 2.84 1uybv5w95akxw   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
9 556 11 0.78 2.86 btn0n7756q409   begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_trac...
6 207 6 1.01 1.06 2mnsvwjq7cmj7   begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_trac...
6 203 6 1.00 1.04 5bn82p826rubs   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...

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SQL ordered by Gets

Buffer Gets Executions Gets per Exec %TotalCPU Time (s)Elapsed Time (s) SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
859,351 4 214,837.75 6.41 4.81 4.81 91uwt9azjrzv9 SQLNav5.exe SELECT * FROM ccs_common...
754,995 1,245 606.42 5.63 19.42 30.26 6qw0sxqv730xr   SELECT ROWNUM STT , TRIM(SUBS...
689,365 2 344,682.50 5.14 16.40 16.58 77ugm22xa7r4c   SELECT, a.ma_kh, a.ma_...
576,472 3,133 184.00 4.30 84.81 93.08 6mfqvwgkmqchx oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT SUM("A1"."NOGOC"+"A1"."...
553,350 32 17,292.19 4.13 17.76 17.90 cb0fwr0haa5rf   select ma_kh from CCS_HCM.khac...
553,152 32 17,286.00 4.13 17.91 17.91 63qw3y5g1cr2t   select count(*) from CCS_HCM.k...
307,855 1,505 204.55 2.30 19.72 32.92 dwrvx27q3z34r   SELECT ID, NAME, DETAIL_FILE...
210,941 472 446.91 1.57 9.58 10.01 9tw54j5jy5uby   SELECT B.PHO_ID dieukien, B....
203,030 8 25,378.75 1.52 38.59 41.62 8z1fgr6wzkqz9   select * from (SELECT ph.chung...
171,656 17 10,097.41 1.28 7.06 7.14 1kdq68v2pg109   select rownum row_stt, c.* fr...
145,305 1 145,305.00 1.08 4.47 4.48 f3qbuy2ujcpab SQLNav5.exe select username from sys.dba_u...

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SQL ordered by Reads

Physical ReadsExecutionsReads per Exec %TotalCPU Time (s)Elapsed Time (s) SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
4,740 1 4,740.00 3.27 3.86 4.77 8vrm2a7my2q8w   SELECT ma_kh, initcap(ten_tt...
4,062 1 4,062.00 2.80 6.05 7.57 86f7a9m4ubtwu   select * from (SELECT ph.Ma_kh...
4,030 1 4,030.00 2.78 5.90 7.40 gp92v1nz53dfh   select to_char(sum(replace(sot...
3,397 1 3,397.00 2.34 7.09 109.62 2bsmcpuj8wstb Admin Connection select output from table(dbms_...
638 1 638.00 0.44 3.85 4.05 fbd1gzpptzu82   select * from (SELECT kh.ten_t...
503 2,000 0.25 0.35 1.31 7.20 8s9zpsgmd5n2u   select sum(nvl(tragoc, 0)+nvl(...
451 7,075 0.06 0.31 2.71 19.75 db78fxqxwxt7r   select /*+ rule */ bucket, en...
247 14,339 0.02 0.17 1.60 46.73 96g93hntrzjtr   select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt,...
181 1,979 0.09 0.12 1.34 16.84 1mp1p5q2zs09c   select sum(nvl(tragoc, 0)+nvl(...
179 352 0.51 0.12 1.11 1.20 964uj0uu29zap   select distinct ma_kh from CCS...

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SQL ordered by Executions

Executions Rows ProcessedRows per ExecCPU per Exec (s)Elap per Exec (s) SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
14,339 13,081 0.91 0.00 0.00 96g93hntrzjtr   select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt,...
7,084 7,082 1.00 0.00 0.00 2ym6hhaq30r73   select type#, blocks, extents,...
7,075 119,123 16.84 0.00 0.00 db78fxqxwxt7r   select /*+ rule */ bucket, en...
6,515 6,504 1.00 0.00 0.00 3c1kubcdjnppq   update sys.col_usage$ set eq...
5,647 11,220 1.99 0.00 0.00 0h6b2sajwb74n   select privilege#, level from ...
4,177 4,175 1.00 0.00 0.00 5ngzsfstg8tmy   select o.owner#,, o.nam...
3,133 13,780,365 4,398.46 0.03 0.03 6mfqvwgkmqchx oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT SUM("A1"."NOGOC"+"A1"."...
2,548 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 b2gnxm5z6r51n   lock table sys.col_usage$ in e...
2,000 2,000 1.00 0.00 0.00 8s9zpsgmd5n2u   select sum(nvl(tragoc, 0)+nvl(...
1,994 1,994 1.00 0.00 0.00 g4p25zzdxt7wh oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT "MA_NV", "TEN_NV" FROM ...

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SQL ordered by Parse Calls

Parse CallsExecutions % Total Parses SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
9,396 0 4.86 durpnk0t0gj0h oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT * FROM "CCS_CBG"."CT_NO...
7,084 7,084 3.67 2ym6hhaq30r73   select type#, blocks, extents,...
5,647 5,647 2.92 0h6b2sajwb74n   select privilege#, level from ...
3,133 3,133 1.62 6mfqvwgkmqchx oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT SUM("A1"."NOGOC"+"A1"."...
2,548 6,515 1.32 3c1kubcdjnppq   update sys.col_usage$ set eq...
2,548 11 1.32 53btfq0dt9bs9   insert into sys.col_usage$ val...
2,548 2,548 1.32 b2gnxm5z6r51n   lock table sys.col_usage$ in e...
1,997 0 1.03 412vq3dym6phr oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT * FROM "CCS_CMU"."NHANV...
1,994 1,994 1.03 g4p25zzdxt7wh oracleTINHCUOC@TINHCUOC (TNS V1-V3) SELECT "MA_NV", "TEN_NV" FROM ...
1,963 1,967 1.02 fj956xukzdnnp   SELECT U.USERID, U.PASSWORD, U...

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SQL ordered by Sharable Memory

Sharable Mem (b)Executions % Total SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
73,183,192   2.07 fmg55191p2fv7   select distinct
54,335,584   1.53 038wwtksywn3c   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
50,730,792   1.43 3tdhywvcgdzvx   select * from (SELECT nvl(disp...
8,784,040   0.25 84tnxurr3c254   select * from (SELECT Phuong_I...
8,682,832   0.25 f3cc7zu4ccxr9   SELECT nvl(TBTT, :"SYS_B_0"), ...
7,392,280   0.21 70sfpwdar4mk2   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
6,144,072   0.17 g30hy9b8c802b   select * from (select hinhthuc...
5,901,376   0.17 c33yfr8c2sdcu   select distinct ct.ma_tb from ...
5,218,694 55 0.15 6f9yhh5yct2gy   select distinct
4,901,728   0.14 ft9bwg84d3x02   UPDATE ccs_common.ketnoi_catmo...
4,559,784   0.13 bnca8pdsntx2u   select * from (select seri, qu...
4,513,824   0.13 axxctr8qu5vmr   Select :"SYS_B_0" from CCS_HC...
3,872,696   0.11 b9pc7j5maqw40   select nvl(count(:"SYS_B_0"),...
3,758,776   0.11 7sa9b2rn9tvyw   select distinct
3,178,514 29 0.09 6ads2u7h8tatq   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
3,151,344   0.09 05j2msn3cwp80   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
3,096,694 71 0.09 cjswc8t62pv3d   select rownum row_stt, c.* fr...
2,965,327 28 0.08 5nuwdvjgqahfa   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
2,939,024   0.08 425ps4s3h8y5p   select upper( name,...
2,797,931 17 0.08 4dtzac5hyf7a5   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
2,716,168   0.08 d4tq7gvv2phba   select ma_bc from CCS_HCM.user...
2,627,047 19 0.07 1gj7gpvbzb4z3   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
2,612,864   0.07 6hf8r6y6uh25g   SELECT a.loai, a.so_tb, MA_TI...
2,528,005 20 0.07 bwfx4wd80h11p   SELECT rownum stt, x.* FROM (...
2,126,688   0.06 586ynz5r1f1gw   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
1,855,753 209 0.05 bbu9d5zu2c1au   select count(*) from all_table...
1,667,109 23 0.05 0araq3sudk126   SELECT rownum stt, x.* FROM (...
1,660,871 13 0.05 1zzcqt7fjyuux   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
1,594,950 71 0.05 cjswc8t62pv3d   select rownum row_stt, c.* fr...
1,401,045 21 0.04 778j0bv2psvf0   select tenquay, maquay from CC...
1,400,960 21 0.04 50s5xwwzrz7pp   select tenbuucuc, ma_bc from C...
1,334,632   0.04 4mnbg2k91mbrh   SELECT Somay FROM CCS_HCM.Danh...
1,245,496   0.04 b31r7jt6fjmwr   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
1,217,018 8 0.03 09738z0xuauzd   select count(*) tongsobl, ...
1,196,986 420 0.03 1qstz296jght8   SELECT COUNT (a.trigger_name) ...

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SQL ordered by Version Count

Version Count Executions SQL IdSQL ModuleSQL Text
5,819   3tdhywvcgdzvx   select * from (SELECT nvl(disp...
1,241   fmg55191p2fv7   select distinct
883   038wwtksywn3c   select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, ...
758   f3cc7zu4ccxr9   SELECT nvl(TBTT, :"SYS_B_0"), ...
705   c33yfr8c2sdcu   select distinct ct.ma_tb from ...
690 49 f1mk4qhmj87qr   select a.ma_tinh from ccs_com...
637   d4tq7gvv2phba   select ma_bc from CCS_HCM.user...
615   05j2msn3cwp80   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
598   ft9bwg84d3x02   UPDATE ccs_common.ketnoi_catmo...
577   b9pc7j5maqw40   select nvl(count(:"SYS_B_0"),...
535   6hf8r6y6uh25g   SELECT a.loai, a.so_tb, MA_TI...
416 22 8hdn2qwu9sfuu   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
362   586ynz5r1f1gw   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
339 39 bbd15mmyajuq5   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
313   4mnbg2k91mbrh   SELECT Somay FROM CCS_HCM.Danh...
289   84tnxurr3c254   select * from (SELECT Phuong_I...
285 8 09738z0xuauzd   select count(*) tongsobl, ...
282 8 360knjd7abxy7   SELECT Huy.Ma_tn || :"SYS_B_0"...
276   425ps4s3h8y5p   select upper( name,...
265 21 50s5xwwzrz7pp   select tenbuucuc, ma_bc from C...
265 21 778j0bv2psvf0   select tenquay, maquay from CC...
255   70sfpwdar4mk2   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
250   b31r7jt6fjmwr   select count(:"SYS_B_0") from ...
247 102 29mmxd5twknr4   select ma_bc from CCS_HNI.user...
219   g30hy9b8c802b   select * from (select hinhthuc...
211   7sa9b2rn9tvyw   select distinct
208   axxctr8qu5vmr   Select :"SYS_B_0" from CCS_HC...
201   bnca8pdsntx2u   select * from (select seri, qu...
102 55 6f9yhh5yct2gy   select distinct
94 19 1gj7gpvbzb4z3   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
86 20 bwfx4wd80h11p   SELECT rownum stt, x.* FROM (...
72 209 bbu9d5zu2c1au   select count(*) from all_table...
65 1,302 3d4n2f4w6ntu8   update sequences set max_id=:"...
64 1,302 4dghvj1hj3whg   SELECT max_id FROM sequences w...
58 28 5nuwdvjgqahfa   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
43 17 4dtzac5hyf7a5   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
40 71 cjswc8t62pv3d   select rownum row_stt, c.* fr...
40 71 cjswc8t62pv3d   select rownum row_stt, c.* fr...
40 71 cjswc8t62pv3d   select rownum row_stt, c.* fr...
37 29 6ads2u7h8tatq   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...
26 13 1zzcqt7fjyuux   select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq...

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038wwtksywn3c select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, max(diachi_tt) diachi_tt, max(ms_thue) ms_thue, max(ma_kh) ma_kh, sum(nogoc_thuc) nogoc_thuc, sum(thue_thuc) thue_thuc, to_char(sum(tongno_thuc), :"SYS_B_000") tongno_thuc, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(tongno_km), :"SYS_B_001") tongno_km, sum(nogoc) nogoc, sum(thue) thue, to_char(sum(tongno), :"SYS_B_002") tongno, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, to_char(sum(datra), :"SYS_B_003") datra, to_char(sum(da_km), :"SYS_B_004") da_km, :"SYS_B_005" da_ck, to_char(sum(da_dc), :"SYS_B_006") da_dc, to_char(sum(thu_kyquy), :"SYS_B_007") thu_kyquy, to_char(sum(tinhthuho), :"SYS_B_008") tinhthuho, to_char(sum(thu_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_009") thu_cuocnong, to_char(sum(cuocnong), :"SYS_B_010") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_011" tt_cuocnong, to_char(sum(tra_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_012") tra_cuocnong, max(thongbao) thongbao, max(ma_nv) ma_nv, max(ma_t) ma_t, :"SYS_B_013" kh_hientai from (select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_014") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_015") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_016")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_017"), :"SYS_B_018") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_019") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_020") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_021")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_022"), :"SYS_B_023") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_024")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_025")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_026")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_027")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_028")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_029")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_030")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_031"), :"SYS_B_032") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_033"), :"SYS_B_034") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_035"), :"SYS_B_036") da_km, :"SYS_B_037" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_038"), :"SYS_B_039") da_dc, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_040")-nvl(chi_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_041"), :"SYS_B_042") thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_043")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_044"), :"SYS_B_045") tinhthuho, TO_CHA R(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_046")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_047"), :"SYS_B_048") thu_cuocnong , to_char(nvl(thdd_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_049"), :"SYS_B_050") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_051" tt_cuocnong , to_char(qltn_tamthu.laytt_tientamthu2( nvl(thdd_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_052"), nvl(thdd_cn.qtrm, :"SYS_B_053"), :"SYS_B_054"), :"SYS_B_055") tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_056"), :"SYS_B_057", :"SYS_B_058", :"SYS_B_059") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_060")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_061") <=:"SYS_B_062" then :"SYS_B_063" else :"SYS_B_064" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_065")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_066") >:"SYS_B_067" then :"SYS_B_068" else :"SYS_B_069" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_070")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_071") >:"SYS_B_072" then :"SYS_B_073" else :"SYS_B_074" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_075" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_pttb where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_ 076") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_077" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_078") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_079") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_080") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_081" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_082") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_083") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_084") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_085") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_086") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_087") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_088") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_089") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_090") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_091") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_092") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_093") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_094") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_095", :"SYS_B_096") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.kyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_097") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_098") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_099") group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.chikyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_100") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_101") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_102") group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_103") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_104") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_105") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_106" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.chi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_107") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_108") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_109") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_110" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_111") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_112") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_113") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tiengach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_114" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_115") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_116") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_117") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, round(sum(tien+vat)) tien, count (distinct (decode(khoanmuctc_id, :"SYS_B_118", :"SYS_B_119", :"SYS_B_120", :"SYS_B_121", null))) qtrm from CCS_HCM.thdd_200906@DBL_2_BILLING where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_122") and somay in (:"SYS_B_123") and usd = (case when :"SYS_B_124"=:"SYS_B_125" then :"SYS_B_126" else :"SYS_B_127" end) group by ma_kh ) thdd_cn , (select * from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_ pttb where :"SYS_B_128"=:"SYS_B_129" and somay in (:"SYS_B_130") ) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thdd_cn.ma_kh(+))
05j2msn3cwp80select count(:"SYS_B_0") from CCS_THA.danhba_dds_pttb a where a.somay=:"SYS_B_1"
09738z0xuauzdselect count(*) tongsobl, to_char(sum(nvl(replace(sotienhuy, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01"), :"SYS_B_02")), :"SYS_B_03") sotienhuy, qltn_baocao.tienchu(sum(nvl(replace(sotienhuy, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05"), :"SYS_B_06"))) tienchu from (SELECT Huy.Ma_tn || :"SYS_B_07" || Huy.Sophieu Sobl, Huy.Ma_kh, Kh.Ten_tt, huy.soseri, huy.seri, Huy.Nguoihuy, Huy.Huytumay, to_char(Huy.Ngayhuy, :"SYS_B_08") ngayhuy, to_char(Huy.Sotienhuy, :"SYS_B_09") sotienhuy FROM CCS_HCM.Bienlaihuys Huy, CCS_HCM.Khachhangs_052009 Kh WHERE Huy.Ma_kh = Kh.Ma_kh AND huy.ma_tn=:"SYS_B_10" AND huy.ngayhuy >= to_date(:"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12") AND huy.ngayhuy <= to_date(:"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14"))
0araq3sudk126 SELECT rownum stt, x.* FROM ( SELECT tennganhang_user, ten_dv_user, ten_rpt_user, lanhdao_user, chucdanh_user, diachi_hd_user, ms_thue_user, tinh_kh, taikhoan_user, dienthoai_user, fax_user, ten_dv, ten_dv1, dangky_db_co, dangky_db_k, inchitiet_co, inchitiet_k, ten_rpt, ten_hd, lanhdao, lanhdao1, chucdanh, diachi_hd, msthueB, taikhoanB, dienthoai, fax, nguoi_dd, nguoi_dd1, nguoi_dd2, email, tennganhangb1, tennganhangb, tennganhanga1, tennganhanga, tennha, tien, tienchu, cuoc, tienchu cuoc_chu, kh_sonha, so_nha, kh_quanhuyen, kh_phuongxa, kh_pho, kh_tinh, kh_tinha, kh_tinhb, kh_tinhc, ten_kh, ten_kh1, ten_tt, diachi_ct, diachi_ct1, ms_thue, taikhoan, tai_khoana, cmt , ngaycap_gt, noicap_gt, chucvu, dt_lienhe, mahd, makh, ngay_laphd, dichvuvt_id, tai_nha, tai_bd, tai_nh, chuyen_khoan, hinhthuc_tainha, hinhthuc_tainha||:"SYS_B_00"||diachi_tt hinhthuc_tainha1, hinhthuc_taibuudien, hinhthuc_chuyenkhoan, code, diachi_tt, ten_tt||:"SYS_B_01"||diachi_tt dc_tt, hinhthuc_tainganhang, ma_so, bk_email, bk_buudien, bk_khong, bk_nha, yeucau, gt, uynhiem_chi, uynhiem_thu FROM ( SELECT distinct upper(dv.ten_dv) ten_dv, dv_user.ten_dv ten_dv_user, upper(dv.ten_dv) ten_dv1, DECODE(TO_CHAR(hd.dangky_db), :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03", :"SYS_B_04") dangky_db_co, DECODE(TO_CHAR(hd.dangky_db), :"SYS_B_0 5", :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07") dangky_db_k, DECODE(TO_CHAR(tb.inchitiet), :"SYS_B_08", :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10") inchitiet_co, DECODE(TO_CHAR(tb.inchitiet), :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", :"SYS_B_13") inchitiet_k, dv.ten_rpt, dv.ten_hd, dv.lanhdao, dv.lanhdao lanhdao1, dv.chucdanh chucdanh, dv.diachi_hd, dv.ms_thue msthueB, dv.taikhoan taikhoanB, dv.dienthoai, dv.fax, NVL(hd.nguoi_dd, hd.ten_tt) nguoi_dd, NVL(hd.nguoi_dd, hd.ten_tt) nguoi_dd1, NVL(hd.nguoi_dd, hd.ten_tt) nguoi_dd2,, nh.ten tennganhangb1, nh_user.ten tennganhang_user, nh.ten tennganhangb, nh_hd.ten tennganhanga1, nh_hd.ten tennganhanga, nh_hd.ten tennhA, dv_user.ten_rpt ten_rpt_user, dv_user.lanhdao lanhdao_user, tinh_kh, dv_user.chucdanh chucdanh_user, dv_user.diachi_hd diachi_hd_user, dv_user.ms_thue ms_thue_user, dv_user.taikhoan taikhoan_user, dv_user.dienthoai dienthoai_user, dv_user.fax fax_user, TO_CHAR(TB.CUOC_LD+TB.VAT_LD, :"SYS_B_14") TIEN, UTIL.doisosangchu(TO_CHAR(nvl(TB.CUOC_LD+TB.VAT_LD, :"SYS_B_15"))) TIENCHU, hd.so_gt cmt, NVL(tb.cuoc_ld + tb.vat_ld, :"SYS_B_16") cuoc, hd.so_nha KH_SoNha, hd.so_nha , qn.tenquan kh_quanhuyen, ph.tenphuong kh_phuongxa, dp.tenpho kh_pho, kh_tinh, kh_tinhA, kh_tinhB, kh_tinhC, hd.coquan ten_kh, up per(hd.coquan) ten_kh1, hd.ten_tt, hd.diachi_ct, hd.diachi_ct DIACHI_CT1, hd.diachi_tt, hd.ms_thue, hd.taikhoan, hd.taikhoan tai_khoanA, hd.ngaycap_gt, hd.noicap_gt, hd.chucdanh chucvu, hd.DIENTHOAI_LH dt_lienhe, hd.DIADIEMTT_ID, hd.ma_hd MaHD, hd.ma_kh MaKH, TO_CHAR(hd.ngay_laphd, :"SYS_B_17")NGAY_LAPHD, hd.dichvuvt_id, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_18", :"SYS_B_19", :"SYS_B_20") tai_nha, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") tai_BD, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") tai_NH, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28", :"SYS_B_29") chuyen_khoan, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_30", :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32") hinhthuc_tainha, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_33", :"SYS_B_34", :"SYS_B_35") hinhthuc_taibuudien, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_36", :"SYS_B_37", :"SYS_B_38") hinhthuc_chuyenkhoan, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", :"SYS_B_41") hinhthuc_tainganhang, DECODE (hd.chuyenkhoan_id, :"SYS_B_42", :"SYS_B_43", :"SYS_B_44")uynhiem_chi, DECODE (hd.chuyenkhoan_id, :"SYS_B_45", :"SYS_B_46", :"SYS_B_47")uynhiem_thu, gt.code, bc.ma_bc||:"SYS_B_48"||hd.nguoi_cn||:"SYS_B_49"||TO_CHAR(sysdate, :"SYS_B_50") ma_so, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_51", :"SYS_B_52", :"SYS_B_53") bk_email, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_54", :"SYS_B_55", :"SYS_B_56") bk_buudien, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_57", :"SYS_B_58", :"SYS_B_59") bk_khong, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_60", :"SYS_B_61", :"SYS_B_62") bk_nha, DECODE(tb.kieuld_id, :"SYS_B_63", :"SYS_B_64", :"SYS_B_65", :"SYS_B_66", :"SYS_B_67", :"SYS_B_68", :"SYS_B_69") yeucau, DECODE(hd.loaigt_id, :"SYS_B_70", :"SYS_B_71", :"SYS_B_72", :"SYS_B_73", :"SYS_B_74", :"SYS_B_75", :"SYS_B_76", :"SYS_B_77") gt FROM (SELECT dv.*, nvl(cd.ten, :"SYS_B_78") chucdanh FROM CCS_BNH.donvi_qls dv, CCS_BNH.chucdanhs cd WHERE dv.chucdanh_id = cd.chucdanh_id(+) )dv, CCS_BNH.buucucthus bc, CCS_BNH.hopdong_lds hd, (SELECT * FROM CCS_BNH.thuebao_lds WHERE MA_HD=:"SYS_B_79" AND rownum<=:"SYS_B_80") tb, CCS_BNH.nganhangs nh , CCS_BNH.nganhangs nh_user, (SELECT * FROM CCS_BNH.nganhangs)nh_hd, ccs_common.agent ag, (SELECT dv.*, NVL (cd.ten, :"SYS_B_81") chucdanh FROM CCS_BNH.donvi_qls dv, CCS_BNH.chucdanhs cd WHERE dv.chucdanh_id = cd.chucdanh_id(+)) dv_user, ccs_common.quans qn, ccs_common.quans q_kh, ccs_common.agent a_kh, ccs_co mmon.phuongs ph, ccs_common.DUONGPHOS dp, ccs_common.MAPHOS mp, CCS_BNH.users us, ccs_common.loai_gts gt WHERE :"SYS_B_82"=:"SYS_B_83" and"SYS_B_84" AND ag.schema = :"SYS_B_85" and hd.ma_bc = bc.ma_bc AND tb.ma_hd = hd.ma_hd AND dv_user.donviql_id = us.donviql_id AND hd.loaigt_id= gt.loaigt_id AND q_kh.quan_id(+) = hd.quan_id AND a_kh.agent_id(+) = q_kh.tinh_id AND dv.nganhang_id = nh.nganhang_id(+) AND dv_user.nganhang_id = nh_user.nganhang_id(+) AND hd.nganhang_id = nh_hd.nganhang_id(+) AND bc.donviql_id = dv.donviql_id AND hd.quan_id =qn.quan_id(+) AND hd.phuong_id=ph.phuong_id(+) AND hd.pho_id=mp.pho_id(+) AND dp.pho_id(+)=mp.pho_id AND hd.ma_hd in(:"SYS_B_86")) ) x
0h6b2sajwb74nselect privilege#, level from sysauth$ connect by grantee#=prior privilege# and privilege#>0 start with grantee#=:1 and privilege#>0
1gj7gpvbzb4z3 select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(sum(nogoc_ps+thue_ps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(sum(nogoc_km+thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_km, to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps-nogoc_km-thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, sum(nogoc_dk) nogoc_dk, sum(nogoc_ps) nogoc_ps, sum(thue_dk) thue_dk, sum(thue_ps) thue_ps, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(ndk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(sum(nps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(sum(tra), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra from (select ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08") kieuno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10", sum(nogoc_dk)) nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", sum(nogoc_ps)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14", sum(thue_dk)) thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16", sum(thue_ps)) thue_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_17", sum(nogoc_ps+nogoc_dk), :"SYS_B_18") nogoc_km, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_19", sum(thue_ps+thue_dk), :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, /*sum(nps) nps, sum(ndk) ndk, sum(tra) tra*/ QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, kieuno, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28") tra from (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_29", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_30") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_33", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_34") hoahong_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_35", :"SYS_B_36", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(ki euno, :"SYS_B_37", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_38") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_41" ndk, :"SYS_B_42" nps, :"SYS_B_43" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hophtb_hcm') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hophtb_hcm') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hophtb_hcm') tra*/ from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_44"=:"SYS_B_45" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_46") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where :"SYS_B_47"=:"SYS_B_48" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_49") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_50") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_51") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno ) no, (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_52"=:"SYS_B_53" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_54") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tbs b where a.trangthai_id=b.trangthai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_55") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
1kdq68v2pg109select rownum row_stt, c.* from (SELECT ma_tb, trim(ten_tb) ten_tb, diachi diachitb, loaitb_id, dichvuvt_id, MA_KH, trang_thai, ten_tt FROM ( SELECT db.somay ma_tb, kh.ten_tt, db.ten_tb, db.diachi, db.loaitb_id, :"SYS_B_0" dichvuvt_id, db.ma_kh, tt.ten trang_thai FROM CCS_HNI.danhba_dds_pttb db, CCS_HNI.khachhangs_pttb kh, CCS_HNI.trangthai_tbs tt WHERE kh.ma_kh = db.ma_kh and db.trangthai_id = tt.trangthai_id and :"SYS_B_1"=:"SYS_B_2" and lower(kh.ten_tt) like :"SYS_B_3" )) c where rownum<:"SYS_B_4"
1mp1p5q2zs09cselect sum(nvl(tragoc, 0)+nvl(trathue, 0)) from (select ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, kieutra, tragoc, trathue, khoanmuctt_id from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 tra where tra.ma_kh=:ma_kh and tra.ma_tb=:ma_tb and kieutra=:kieutra union all select ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, kieuno, nogoc, thue, khoanmuctt_id from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 no where no.ma_kh=:ma_kh and no.ma_tb=:ma_tb and kieuno=:kieuno)
1qstz296jght8SELECT COUNT (a.trigger_name) FROM all_triggers a, all_objects b WHERE a.owner = b.owner AND a.trigger_name = b.object_name AND a.owner = :"SYS_B_0" AND a.base_object_type = :"SYS_B_1" AND a.table_name = :"SYS_B_2" /* AND a.trigger_name IN ('GACH_NO_052009', 'XOA_PHIEU_052009') */ AND a.status = :"SYS_B_3" AND b.object_type = :"SYS_B_4" AND b.status = :"SYS_B_5"
1uybv5w95akxw select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, max(diachi_tt) diachi_tt, max(ms_thue) ms_thue, max(ma_kh) ma_kh, sum(nogoc_thuc) nogoc_thuc, sum(thue_thuc) thue_thuc, to_char(sum(tongno_thuc), :"SYS_B_00") tongno_thuc, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(tongno_km), :"SYS_B_01") tongno_km, sum(nogoc) nogoc, sum(thue) thue, to_char(sum(tongno), :"SYS_B_02") tongno, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, to_char(sum(datra), :"SYS_B_03") datra, to_char(sum(da_km), :"SYS_B_04") da_km, :"SYS_B_05" da_ck, to_char(sum(da_dc), :"SYS_B_06") da_dc, to_char(sum(thu_kyquy), :"SYS_B_07") thu_kyquy, to_char(sum(tinhthuho), :"SYS_B_08") tinhthuho, to_char(sum(thu_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_09") thu_cuocnong, to_char(sum(cuocnong), :"SYS_B_10") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_11" tt_cuocnong, to_char(sum(tra_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_12") tra_cuocnong, max(thongbao) thongbao, max(ma_nv) ma_nv, max(ma_t) ma_t, :"SYS_B_13" kh_hientai from (select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_14") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_15") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_16")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_17"), :"SYS_B_18") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_19") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_21")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_22"), :"SYS_B_23") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_24")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_25")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_26")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_27")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_28")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_29")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_30")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_31"), :"SYS_B_32") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_33"), :"SYS_B_34") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_35"), :"SYS_B_36") da_km, :"SYS_B_37" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_38"), :"SYS_B_39") da_dc, /*TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, 0)-nvl(chi_kq.tien, 0), 'fm999999999999999999') thu_kyquy, */ :"SYS_B_40" thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_41")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_42"), :"SYS_B_43") tinhthuho, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS _B_44")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_45"), :"SYS_B_46") thu_cuocnong , :"SYS_B_47" cuocnong , :"SYS_B_48" tt_cuocnong, :"SYS_B_49" tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_50"), :"SYS_B_51", :"SYS_B_52", :"SYS_B_53") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_54")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_55") <=:"SYS_B_56" then :"SYS_B_57" else :"SYS_B_58" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_59")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_60") >:"SYS_B_61" then :"SYS_B_62" else :"SYS_B_63" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_64")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_65") >:"SYS_B_66" then :"SYS_B_67" else :"SYS_B_68" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_69" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HNI.khachhangs_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_70") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HNI.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_71" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_72") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_73") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HNI.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_74" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_75") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_76") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_77") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_78") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_79") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_80") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_81") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_82") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_83") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_84", :"SYS_B_85") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , /*( S ELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HNI.kyquys where ma_kh in ('HNIDD00139182') and loaitien_id in (1) group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HNI.chikyquys where ma_kh in ('HNIDD00139182') and loaitien_id in (1) group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , */ ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HNI.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_86") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_87") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_88" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HNI.chi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_89") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_90") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_91" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_92") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_93") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(ti engach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_94" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_95") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_96") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , (select * from CCS_HNI.danhba_dds_052009) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) /* and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) */ AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+))
1zzcqt7fjyuux select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(sum(nogoc_ps+thue_ps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(sum(nogoc_km+thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_km, to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps-nogoc_km-thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, sum(nogoc_dk) nogoc_dk, sum(nogoc_ps) nogoc_ps, sum(thue_dk) thue_dk, sum(thue_ps) thue_ps, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(ndk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(sum(nps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(sum(tra), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra from (select ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08") kieuno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10", sum(nogoc_dk)) nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", sum(nogoc_ps)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14", sum(thue_dk)) thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16", sum(thue_ps)) thue_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_17", sum(nogoc_ps+nogoc_dk), :"SYS_B_18") nogoc_km, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_19", sum(thue_ps+thue_dk), :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, /*sum(nps) nps, sum(ndk) ndk, sum(tra) tra*/ QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, kieuno, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28") tra from (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_29", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_30") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_33", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_34") hoahong_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_35", :"SYS_B_36", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(ki euno, :"SYS_B_37", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_38") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_41" ndk, :"SYS_B_42" nps, :"SYS_B_43" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_HCM.', 'muitau_hcm') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_HCM.', 'muitau_hcm') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_HCM.', 'muitau_hcm') tra*/ from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_44"=:"SYS_B_45" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_46") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where :"SYS_B_47"=:"SYS_B_48" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_49") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_50") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_51") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno ) no, (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_52"=:"SYS_B_53" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_54") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tbs b where a.trangthai_id=b.trangthai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_55") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
29mmxd5twknr4select ma_bc from CCS_HNI.user_buucuc where userid=:"SYS_B_0"
2bsmcpuj8wstbselect output from table(dbms_workload_repository.ash_report_html(:1, :2, :3, :4, :"SYS_B_0"))
2jgzkt98xkw4zbegin :1 := CCS_ADMIN.qltn_tracuu.laytt_nochitiet('052009', 'HCMDD00044197', '84918732055', '1', '', '', '1', 'CCS_HCM.', 'thaontt_hcm'); end;
2mnsvwjq7cmj7begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_tracuu.laytt_notonghop('052009', 'HNIDD00124027', '', '1', '1', 'CCS_HNI.', 'cq1_hni'); end;
2ym6hhaq30r73select type#, blocks, extents, minexts, maxexts, extsize, extpct, user#, iniexts, NVL(lists, 65535), NVL(groups, 65535), cachehint, hwmincr, NVL(spare1, 0), NVL(scanhint, 0) from seg$ where ts#=:1 and file#=:2 and block#=:3
360knjd7abxy7SELECT Huy.Ma_tn || :"SYS_B_0" || Huy.Sophieu Sobl, Huy.Ma_kh, Kh.Ten_tt, huy.soseri, huy.seri, Huy.Nguoihuy, Huy.Huytumay, to_char(Huy.Ngayhuy, :"SYS_B_1") ngayhuy, to_char(Huy.Sotienhuy, :"SYS_B_2") sotienhuy FROM CCS_HCM.Bienlaihuys Huy, CCS_HCM.Khachhangs_052009 Kh WHERE Huy.Ma_kh = Kh.Ma_kh AND huy.ma_tn=:"SYS_B_3" AND huy.ngayhuy >= to_date(:"SYS_B_4", :"SYS_B_5") AND huy.ngayhuy <= to_date(:"SYS_B_6", :"SYS_B_7")
3c1kubcdjnppqupdate sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds + decode(bitand(:flag, 1), 0, 0, 1), equijoin_preds = equijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag, 2), 0, 0, 1), nonequijoin_preds = nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag, 4), 0, 0, 1), range_preds = range_preds + decode(bitand(:flag, 8), 0, 0, 1), like_preds = like_preds + decode(bitand(:flag, 16), 0, 0, 1), null_preds = null_preds + decode(bitand(:flag, 32), 0, 0, 1), timestamp = :time where obj# = :objn and intcol# = :coln
3d4n2f4w6ntu8update sequences set max_id=:"SYS_B_0" where tenseq=:"SYS_B_1"
3tdhywvcgdzvxselect * from (SELECT nvl(display_main, :"SYS_B_0") display_main from user_info a where userid=:"SYS_B_1") where rownum < :"SYS_B_2"
425ps4s3h8y5p select upper( name, cf.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE from sys_attribute_config cf , sys_attribute_list al where al.attribute_id=cf.attribute_id and cf.group_attribute_code=:"SYS_B_0" and in (:"SYS_B_1", :"SYS_B_2", :"SYS_B_3")
4dghvj1hj3whgSELECT max_id FROM sequences where tenseq =:"SYS_B_0"
4dtzac5hyf7a5 select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(sum(nogoc_ps+thue_ps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(sum(nogoc_km+thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_km, to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps-nogoc_km-thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, sum(nogoc_dk) nogoc_dk, sum(nogoc_ps) nogoc_ps, sum(thue_dk) thue_dk, sum(thue_ps) thue_ps, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(ndk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(sum(nps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(sum(tra), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra from (select ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08") kieuno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10", sum(nogoc_dk)) nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", sum(nogoc_ps)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14", sum(thue_dk)) thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16", sum(thue_ps)) thue_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_17", sum(nogoc_ps+nogoc_dk), :"SYS_B_18") nogoc_km, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_19", sum(thue_ps+thue_dk), :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, /*sum(nps) nps, sum(ndk) ndk, sum(tra) tra*/ QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, kieuno, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28") tra from (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_29", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_30") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_33", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_34") hoahong_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_35", :"SYS_B_36", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(ki euno, :"SYS_B_37", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_38") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_41" ndk, :"SYS_B_42" nps, :"SYS_B_43" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_GLI.', 'plk.tuyen.qltn_gli') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_GLI.', 'plk.tuyen.qltn_gli') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_GLI.', 'plk.tuyen.qltn_gli') tra*/ from CCS_GLI.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_44"=:"SYS_B_45" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_46") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where :"SYS_B_47"=:"SYS_B_48" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_49") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_50") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno ) no, (select * from CCS_GLI.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_51"=:"SYS_B_52" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_53") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_GLI.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tbs b whe re a.trangthai_id=b.trangthai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_54") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
4mnbg2k91mbrhSELECT Somay FROM CCS_HCM.Danhba_dds_042009 a, CCS_HCM.Bangphieutra_042009 b WHERE a.ma_kh = b.ma_kh and b.Gomhoadon = :"SYS_B_0"
50s5xwwzrz7ppselect tenbuucuc, ma_bc from CCS_HCM.buucucthus where :"SYS_B_0"=:"SYS_B_1" and ma_bc in (select ma_bc from CCS_HCM.user_buucuc where userid=:"SYS_B_2")
53btfq0dt9bs9insert into sys.col_usage$ values ( :objn, :coln, decode(bitand(:flag, 1), 0, 0, 1), decode(bitand(:flag, 2), 0, 0, 1), decode(bitand(:flag, 4), 0, 0, 1), decode(bitand(:flag, 8), 0, 0, 1), decode(bitand(:flag, 16), 0, 0, 1), decode(bitand(:flag, 32), 0, 0, 1), :time)
586ynz5r1f1gwselect count(:"SYS_B_0") from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a where a.somay=:"SYS_B_1"
5bn82p826rubs select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, max(diachi_tt) diachi_tt, max(ms_thue) ms_thue, max(ma_kh) ma_kh, sum(nogoc_thuc) nogoc_thuc, sum(thue_thuc) thue_thuc, to_char(sum(tongno_thuc), :"SYS_B_00") tongno_thuc, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(tongno_km), :"SYS_B_01") tongno_km, sum(nogoc) nogoc, sum(thue) thue, to_char(sum(tongno), :"SYS_B_02") tongno, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, to_char(sum(datra), :"SYS_B_03") datra, to_char(sum(da_km), :"SYS_B_04") da_km, :"SYS_B_05" da_ck, to_char(sum(da_dc), :"SYS_B_06") da_dc, to_char(sum(thu_kyquy), :"SYS_B_07") thu_kyquy, to_char(sum(tinhthuho), :"SYS_B_08") tinhthuho, to_char(sum(thu_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_09") thu_cuocnong, to_char(sum(cuocnong), :"SYS_B_10") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_11" tt_cuocnong, to_char(sum(tra_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_12") tra_cuocnong, max(thongbao) thongbao, max(ma_nv) ma_nv, max(ma_t) ma_t, :"SYS_B_13" kh_hientai from (select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_14") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_15") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_16")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_17"), :"SYS_B_18") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_19") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_21")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_22"), :"SYS_B_23") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_24")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_25")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_26")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_27")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_28")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_29")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_30")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_31"), :"SYS_B_32") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_33"), :"SYS_B_34") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_35"), :"SYS_B_36") da_km, :"SYS_B_37" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_38"), :"SYS_B_39") da_dc, /*TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, 0)-nvl(chi_kq.tien, 0), 'fm999999999999999999') thu_kyquy, */ :"SYS_B_40" thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_41")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_42"), :"SYS_B_43") tinhthuho, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS _B_44")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_45"), :"SYS_B_46") thu_cuocnong , :"SYS_B_47" cuocnong , :"SYS_B_48" tt_cuocnong, :"SYS_B_49" tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_50"), :"SYS_B_51", :"SYS_B_52", :"SYS_B_53") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_54")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_55") <=:"SYS_B_56" then :"SYS_B_57" else :"SYS_B_58" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_59")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_60") >:"SYS_B_61" then :"SYS_B_62" else :"SYS_B_63" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_64")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_65") >:"SYS_B_66" then :"SYS_B_67" else :"SYS_B_68" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_69" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HNI.khachhangs_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_70") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HNI.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_71" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_72") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_73") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HNI.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_74" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_75") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_76") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_77") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_78") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_79") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_80") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_81") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_82") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_83") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_84", :"SYS_B_85") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , /*( S ELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HNI.kyquys where ma_kh in ('HNIDD00124027') and loaitien_id in (1) group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HNI.chikyquys where ma_kh in ('HNIDD00124027') and loaitien_id in (1) group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , */ ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HNI.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_86") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_87") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_88" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HNI.chi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_89") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_90") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_91" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_92") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_93") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(ti engach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_94" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_95") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_96") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , (select * from CCS_HNI.danhba_dds_052009) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) /* and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) */ AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+))
5ngzsfstg8tmyselect o.owner#,, o.namespace, o.remoteowner, o.linkname, o.subname, o.dataobj#, o.flags from obj$ o where o.obj#=:1
5nuwdvjgqahfa select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(sum(nogoc_ps+thue_ps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(sum(nogoc_km+thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_km, to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps-nogoc_km-thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, sum(nogoc_dk) nogoc_dk, sum(nogoc_ps) nogoc_ps, sum(thue_dk) thue_dk, sum(thue_ps) thue_ps, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(ndk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(sum(nps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(sum(tra), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra from (select ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08") kieuno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10", sum(nogoc_dk)) nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", sum(nogoc_ps)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14", sum(thue_dk)) thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16", sum(thue_ps)) thue_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_17", sum(nogoc_ps+nogoc_dk), :"SYS_B_18") nogoc_km, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_19", sum(thue_ps+thue_dk), :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, /*sum(nps) nps, sum(ndk) ndk, sum(tra) tra*/ QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, kieuno, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28") tra from (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_29", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_30") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_33", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_34") hoahong_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_35", :"SYS_B_36", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(ki euno, :"SYS_B_37", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_38") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_41" ndk, :"SYS_B_42" nps, :"SYS_B_43" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hoaltt_hcm') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hoaltt_hcm') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hoaltt_hcm') tra*/ from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_44"=:"SYS_B_45" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_46") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where :"SYS_B_47"=:"SYS_B_48" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_49") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_50") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_51") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno ) no, (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_52"=:"SYS_B_53" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_54") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tbs b where a.trangthai_id=b.trangthai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_55") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
63qw3y5g1cr2tselect count(*) from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where ma_cq||:"SYS_B_0" in (:"SYS_B_1")
6ads2u7h8tatq select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(sum(nogoc_ps+thue_ps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(sum(nogoc_km+thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_km, to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps-nogoc_km-thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, sum(nogoc_dk) nogoc_dk, sum(nogoc_ps) nogoc_ps, sum(thue_dk) thue_dk, sum(thue_ps) thue_ps, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(ndk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(sum(nps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(sum(tra), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra from (select ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08") kieuno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10", sum(nogoc_dk)) nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", sum(nogoc_ps)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14", sum(thue_dk)) thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16", sum(thue_ps)) thue_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_17", sum(nogoc_ps+nogoc_dk), :"SYS_B_18") nogoc_km, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_19", sum(thue_ps+thue_dk), :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, /*sum(nps) nps, sum(ndk) ndk, sum(tra) tra*/ QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, kieuno, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28") tra from (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_29", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_30") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_33", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_34") hoahong_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_35", :"SYS_B_36", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(ki euno, :"SYS_B_37", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_38") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_41" ndk, :"SYS_B_42" nps, :"SYS_B_43" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hanhntq_hcm') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hanhntq_hcm') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_HCM.', 'hanhntq_hcm') tra*/ from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_44"=:"SYS_B_45" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_46") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where :"SYS_B_47"=:"SYS_B_48" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_49") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_50") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_51") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno ) no, (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_52"=:"SYS_B_53" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_54") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tb s b where a.trangthai_id=b.trangthai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_55") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
6f9yhh5yct2gy select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_000") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_001") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_002")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_003"), :"SYS_B_004") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_005") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_006") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_007")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_008"), :"SYS_B_009") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_010")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_011")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_012")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_013")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_014")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_015")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_016")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_017"), :"SYS_B_018") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_019"), :"SYS_B_020") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_021"), :"SYS_B_022") da_km, :"SYS_B_023" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_024"), :"SYS_B_025") da_dc, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_026")-nvl(chi_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_027"), :"SYS_B_028") thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_029")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_030"), :"SYS_B_031") tinhthuho, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_032")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_033"), :"S YS_B_034") thu_cuocnong , to_char(nvl(thdd_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_035"), :"SYS_B_036") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_037" tt_cuocnong , to_char(qltn_tamthu.laytt_tientamthu2( nvl(thdd_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_038"), nvl(thdd_cn.qtrm, :"SYS_B_039"), :"SYS_B_040"), :"SYS_B_041") tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_042"), :"SYS_B_043", :"SYS_B_044", :"SYS_B_045") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_046")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_047") <=:"SYS_B_048" then :"SYS_B_049" else :"SYS_B_050" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_051")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_052") >:"SYS_B_053" then :"SYS_B_054" else :"SYS_B_055" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_056")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_057") >:"SYS_B_058" then :"SYS_B_059" else :"SYS_B_060" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_061" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_pttb where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_062", :"SYS_B_063") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_064" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_065", :"SYS_B_066") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_067") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_068") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_069" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_070", :"SYS_B_071") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_072") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_073") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_074", :"SYS_B_075") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_076") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_077") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_078", :"SYS_B_079") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_080") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_081") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_082") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_083", :"SYS_B_084") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_085") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_086") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_087", :"SYS_B_088") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.kyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_089", :"SYS_B_090") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_091") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_092") group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.chikyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_093", :"SYS_B_094") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_095") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_096") group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_097", :"SYS_B_098") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_099") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_100") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_101" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.chi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_102", :"SYS_B_103") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_104") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_105") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_106" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_107", :"SYS_B_108") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_109") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_110") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tiengach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_111" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_112", :"SYS_B_113") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_114") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_115") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, round(sum(tien+vat)) tien, count (distinct (decode(khoanmuctc_id, :"SYS_B_116", :"SYS_B_117", :"SYS_B_118", :"SYS_B_119", null))) qtrm from CCS_HCM.thdd_200906@DBL_2_BILLING where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_120", :"SYS_B_121") and somay in (:"SYS_B_122") and usd = (case when :"SYS_B_123"=:"SYS_B_124" then :"SYS_B_125" else :" SYS_B_126" end) group by ma_kh ) thdd_cn , (select * from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb where :"SYS_B_127"=:"SYS_B_128" and somay in (:"SYS_B_129") ) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thdd_cn.ma_kh(+)
6hf8r6y6uh25g SELECT a.loai, a.so_tb, MA_TINH, trang_thai FROM ccs_common.thue_bao a WHERE a.so_tb= :"SYS_B_0" and rownum<:"SYS_B_1"
6mfqvwgkmqchxSELECT SUM("A1"."NOGOC"+"A1"."THUE"), "A1"."MA_KH" FROM "CCS_CBG"."CT_NO_042009" "A1" GROUP BY "A1"."MA_KH"
6tf2uz2c218jr select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(nogoc_dk+thue_dk, qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(nogoc_ps+thue_ps, qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps, qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.khoanmuctt_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, nogoc_dk, nogoc_ps, thue_dk, thue_ps, to_char(ndk, qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(nps, qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(tra, qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra, km.tenkhoanmuc from CCS_HCM.khoanmuc_tts km, (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_07") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_08", :"SYS_B_09", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_10", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_11") hoahong_dk, decode(kieun o, :"SYS_B_12", :"SYS_B_13", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_14", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_15") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_16", :"SYS_B_17", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_18" ndk, :"SYS_B_19" nps, :"SYS_B_20" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_HCM.', 'thaontt_hcm') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_HCM.', 'thaontt_hcm') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_HCM.', 'thaontt_hcm') tra*/ from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_21"=:"SYS_B_22" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_23") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where km.khoanmuctt_id=ct.khoanmuctt_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_24") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_25") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_26") ) no, (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_27"=:"SYS_B_28" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_29") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tbs b where a.trangthai_id=b.trang thai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_30") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
70sfpwdar4mk2 select DISTINCT no.*, kh.ma_cq, replace(kh.ten_tt, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ten_tt, replace(kh.diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03") diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, tb.ten trangthai from (select to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_dk, to_char(sum(nogoc_ps+thue_ps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_ps, to_char(sum(nogoc_km+thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) no_km, to_char(sum(nogoc_dk+thue_dk+nogoc_ps+thue_ps-nogoc_km-thue_km), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tongno, ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, trim(QLTN.chukyno_dangchu(chukyno, :"SYS_B_04", :"SYS_B_05")) chukyno, kieuno, chukyno ckn, sum(nogoc_dk) nogoc_dk, sum(nogoc_ps) nogoc_ps, sum(thue_dk) thue_dk, sum(thue_ps) thue_ps, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(ndk), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) ndk, to_char(sum(nps), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) nps, to_char(sum(tra), qltn.lay_fm(ct.loaitien_id)) tra from (select ct.ma_kh, ct.ma_tb, ct.loaitien_id, ct.donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08") kieuno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10", sum(nogoc_dk)) nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", sum(nogoc_ps)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14", sum(thue_dk)) thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16", sum(thue_ps)) thue_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_17", sum(nogoc_ps+nogoc_dk), :"SYS_B_18") nogoc_km, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_19", sum(thue_ps+thue_dk), :"SYS_B_20") thue_km, /*sum(nps) nps, sum(ndk) ndk, sum(tra) tra*/ QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, null, kieuno, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28") tra from (SELECT ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_29", SUM (nogoc), :"SYS_B_30") nogoc_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32", SUM (nogoc)) nogoc_ps, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_33", SUM (hoahong), :"SYS_B_34") hoahong_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_35", :"SYS_B_36", SUM (hoahong)) hoahong_ps, decode(ki euno, :"SYS_B_37", SUM (thue), :"SYS_B_38") thue_dk, decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", SUM (thue)) thue_ps, kieuno, :"SYS_B_41" ndk, :"SYS_B_42" nps, :"SYS_B_43" tra /*QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 0, 'CCS_HCM.', 'lecb_hcm') ndk, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_dkps(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, 5, 'CCS_HCM.', 'lecb_hcm') nps, QLTN_TRACUU.laytt_tra(ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, khoanmuctt_id, kieuno, 'CCS_HCM.', 'lecb_hcm') tra*/ from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_44"=:"SYS_B_45" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_46") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, khoanmuctt_id, vbcc_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno) ct where :"SYS_B_47"=:"SYS_B_48" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_49") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_50") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_51") group by ma_kh, ma_tb, loaitien_id, donviql_id, chukyno, kieuno ) no, (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where :"SYS_B_52"=:"SYS_B_53" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_54") ) kh, (select a.somay, b.ten from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb a, ccs_common.trangthai_tbs b where a.trangthai_id=b.trangthai_id and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_55") ) tb where no.ma_kh=kh.ma_kh and no.ma_tb=tb.somay(+) order by no.ma_kh, no.ma_tb, no.ckn desc
778j0bv2psvf0select tenquay, maquay from CCS_HCM.quaythus where :"SYS_B_0"=:"SYS_B_1" and instr((select quaythus from CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos where nguoigach=:"SYS_B_2"), :"SYS_B_3"||maquay||:"SYS_B_4")>:"SYS_B_5" order by tenquay
77ugm22xa7r4cSELECT, a.ma_kh, a.ma_nv, a.ma_tuyen, a.chungtu_id, a.phieu_id, a.ketqua ketqua_id, qltn.chukyno_dangchu(a.chukyno, :"SYS_B_0", :"SYS_B_1") chukyno, to_char(a.ngayphat, :"SYS_B_2") ngayphat, to_char(a.ngay_cn, :"SYS_B_3") ngay_cn, a.ct_trave, a.somay, b.tenchungtu, c.ketqua, a.nguoinhap, a.nguoinhan, a.lanphat, a.ykien, a.noidung, d.ten_tt, d.diachi_tt, e.ten_nv, f.ten_t FROM CCS_HNI.kq_phatchungtus a, CCS_HNI.chungtuphats b, CCS_HNI.loai_kqphat c, CCS_HNI.khachhangs_052009 d, CCS_HNI.nhanvien_tcs e, CCS_HNI.tuyens f where a.chungtu_id=b.chungtu_id and to_number(a.ketqua)=c.kq_id and a.ma_kh=d.ma_kh and a.ma_nv=e.ma_nv and d.ma_nv=e.ma_nv and a.ma_nv=f.ma_nv and d.ma_t= f.ma_t and a.ma_tuyen=f.ma_t
7sa9b2rn9tvyw select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_000") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_001") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_002")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_003"), :"SYS_B_004") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_005") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_006") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_007")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_008"), :"SYS_B_009") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_010")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_011")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_012")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_013")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_014")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_015")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_016")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_017"), :"SYS_B_018") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_019"), :"SYS_B_020") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_021"), :"SYS_B_022") da_km, :"SYS_B_023" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_024"), :"SYS_B_025") da_dc, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_026")-nvl(chi_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_027"), :"SYS_B_028") thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_029")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_030"), :"SYS_B_031") tinhthuho, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_032")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_033"), :"S YS_B_034") thu_cuocnong , :"SYS_B_035" cuocnong , :"SYS_B_036" tt_cuocnong, :"SYS_B_037" tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_038"), :"SYS_B_039", :"SYS_B_040", :"SYS_B_041") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_042")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_043") <=:"SYS_B_044" then :"SYS_B_045" else :"SYS_B_046" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_047")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_048") >:"SYS_B_049" then :"SYS_B_050" else :"SYS_B_051" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_052")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_053") >:"SYS_B_054" then :"SYS_B_055" else :"SYS_B_056" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_057" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_pttb where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_058") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_059" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_060") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_061") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_062") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_063" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_064") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_065") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_066") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_067") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_068") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_069") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_070") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_071") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_072") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_073") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_074") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_075") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_076") and pt.htt t_id in (:"SYS_B_077", :"SYS_B_078") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.kyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_079") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_080") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_081") group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.chikyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_082") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_083") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_084") group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_085") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_086") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_087") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_088" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.chi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_089") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_090") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_091") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_092" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_093") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_094") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_095") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tiengach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_096" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_097") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_098") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_099") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , (select * from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb where :"SYS_B_100"=:"SYS_B_101" and somay in (:"SYS_B_102") ) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+)
84tnxurr3c254select * from (SELECT Phuong_ID dieukien, TenPhuong ten FROM CCS_COMMON.Phuongs where Quan_id = :"SYS_B_0" ORDER by TenPhuong) where rownum < :"SYS_B_1"
86f7a9m4ubtwu select * from (SELECT ph.Ma_kh, ph.Ma_tb, Kh.Ten_tt, ph.so_ct phieu_Id, to_char(ph.ngaynhap, :"SYS_B_00") Ngaythu, to_char(nvl((select sum(tragoc+trathue) from where khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_01" and ph.phieu_id=phieu_id and ph.ckn_chu=ckn_chu), :"SYS_B_02"), :"SYS_B_03") sotien FROM CCS_HCM.Phieuthu ph, (SELECT DISTINCT MA_KH, MAX(TEN_TT) TEN_TT FROM ( select ma_kh, ten_tt from CCS_HCM.Khachhangs_052009 union select ma_kh, ten_tt from CCS_HCM.Khachhangs_052009 ) GROUP BY MA_KH ) Kh, (SELECT MAX (Somay) Ma_tb, Ma_kh FROM CCS_HCM.Danhba_dds_052009 GROUP BY Ma_kh union SELECT MAX (Somay) Ma_tb, Ma_kh FROM CCS_HCM.Danhba_dds_052009 GROUP BY Ma_kh ) Db, (SELECT SUM (Sotien) Tienchi, Phieu_thu FROM CCS_HCM.Phieuchi GROUP BY Phieu_thu) Chi WHERE :"SYS_B_04"=:"SYS_B_05" AND ph.ma_bc = :"SYS_B_06" AND ph.ma_tn=:"SYS_B_07" AND ph.ngaynhap >= to_date(:"SYS_B_08", :"SYS_B_09") AND ph.ngaynhap <= to_date(:"SYS_B_10", :"SYS_B_11") and ph.Phieu_id = Chi.Phieu_thu(+) AND ph.Ma_kh = Kh.Ma_kh AND ph.Ma_kh = Db.Ma_kh(+) AND ph.ckn_chu=:"SYS_B_12" and ph.httt_id!=:"SYS_B_13") ph where replace(ph.sotien, :"SYS_B_14", :"S YS_B_15")!=:"SYS_B_16" order by ph.phieu_id
89nfd4778yx5c select max(ten_tt) ten_tt, max(diachi_tt) diachi_tt, max(ms_thue) ms_thue, max(ma_kh) ma_kh, sum(nogoc_thuc) nogoc_thuc, sum(thue_thuc) thue_thuc, to_char(sum(tongno_thuc), :"SYS_B_000") tongno_thuc, sum(nogoc_km) nogoc_km, sum(thue_km) thue_km, to_char(sum(tongno_km), :"SYS_B_001") tongno_km, sum(nogoc) nogoc, sum(thue) thue, to_char(sum(tongno), :"SYS_B_002") tongno, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, to_char(sum(datra), :"SYS_B_003") datra, to_char(sum(da_km), :"SYS_B_004") da_km, :"SYS_B_005" da_ck, to_char(sum(da_dc), :"SYS_B_006") da_dc, to_char(sum(thu_kyquy), :"SYS_B_007") thu_kyquy, to_char(sum(tinhthuho), :"SYS_B_008") tinhthuho, to_char(sum(thu_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_009") thu_cuocnong, to_char(sum(cuocnong), :"SYS_B_010") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_011" tt_cuocnong, to_char(sum(tra_cuocnong), :"SYS_B_012") tra_cuocnong, max(thongbao) thongbao, max(ma_nv) ma_nv, max(ma_t) ma_t, :"SYS_B_013" kh_hientai from (select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_014") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_015") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_016")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_017"), :"SYS_B_018") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_019") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_020") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_021")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_022"), :"SYS_B_023") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_024")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_025")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_026")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_027")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_028")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_029")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_030")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_031"), :"SYS_B_032") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_033"), :"SYS_B_034") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_035"), :"SYS_B_036") da_km, :"SYS_B_037" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_038"), :"SYS_B_039") da_dc, /*TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, 0)-nvl(chi_kq.tien, 0), 'fm999999999999999999') thu_kyquy, */ :"SYS_B_040" thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_041")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_042"), :"SYS_B_043") tinhth uho, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_044")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_045"), :"SYS_B_046") thu_cuocnong , :"SYS_B_047" cuocnong , :"SYS_B_048" tt_cuocnong, :"SYS_B_049" tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_050"), :"SYS_B_051", :"SYS_B_052", :"SYS_B_053") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_054")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_055") <=:"SYS_B_056" then :"SYS_B_057" else :"SYS_B_058" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_059")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_060") >:"SYS_B_061" then :"SYS_B_062" else :"SYS_B_063" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_064")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_065") >:"SYS_B_066" then :"SYS_B_067" else :"SYS_B_068" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_069" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HNI.khachhangs_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_070") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HNI.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_071" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_072") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_073") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_074") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HNI.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_075" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_076") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_077") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_078") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_079") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_080") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_081") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_082") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_083") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_084") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_085") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HNI.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_086") and ma_tb i n (:"SYS_B_087") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_088") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_089", :"SYS_B_090") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , /*( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HNI.kyquys where ma_kh in ('HNIDD00081787') and ma_tb in ('84913203636') and loaitien_id in (1) group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HNI.chikyquys where ma_kh in ('HNIDD00081787') and ma_tb in ('84913203636') and loaitien_id in (1) group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , */ ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HNI.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_091") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_092") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_093") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_094" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HNI.chi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_095") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_096") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_097") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_098" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_099") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_100") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_101") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tiengach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_102" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_103") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_104") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_105") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , (select * from CCS_HNI.danhba_dds_052009 where :"SYS_B_106"=:"SYS_B_107" and somay in (:"SYS_B_108") ) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) /* and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) */ AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+))
8hdn2qwu9sfuuselect count(:"SYS_B_0") from CCS_BNH.danhba_dds_pttb a where a.somay=:"SYS_B_1"
8s9zpsgmd5n2uselect sum(nvl(tragoc, 0)+nvl(trathue, 0)) from (select ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, kieutra, tragoc, trathue, khoanmuctt_id from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_042009 tra where tra.ma_kh=:ma_kh and tra.ma_tb=:ma_tb and kieutra=:kieutra union all select ma_kh, ma_tb, chukyno, kieuno, nogoc, thue, khoanmuctt_id from CCS_HCM.ct_no_042009 no where no.ma_kh=:ma_kh and no.ma_tb=:ma_tb and kieuno=:kieuno)
8vrm2a7my2q8w SELECT ma_kh, initcap(ten_tt)ten_tt, thang, to_char(sotien, :"SYS_B_00")sotien, to_char(dauky, :"SYS_B_01")dauky, sophieu, ma_nv FROM( SELECT DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_02", max(ma_kh), :"SYS_B_03", :"SYS_B_04"||ma_nv, :"SYS_B_05", :"SYS_B_06"||tenbuucuc||:"SYS_B_07", :"SYS_B_08", :"SYS_B_09") ma_kh, DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_10", MAX(ten_tt)) ten_tt, DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_11", ma_nv) ma_nv, DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_12", MAX(thang))thang, DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_13", MAX(sotien), :"SYS_B_14", SUM(sotien), :"SYS_B_15", SUM(sotien), :"SYS_B_16", SUM(sotien))sotien, DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_17", MAX(dauky), :"SYS_B_18", SUM(dauky), :"SYS_B_19", SUM(dauky), :"SYS_B_20", SUM(dauky))dauky, DECODE(GROUPING(ma_kh)+GROUPING(ma_nv) + GROUPING(tenbuucuc), :"SYS_B_21", MAX(sophieu), :"SYS_B_22", COUNT(sophieu), :"SYS_B_23", COUNT(sophieu), :"SYS_B_24", count(sophieu))sophieu FROM ( select sotien, dauky, ma_kh, thang, ma_nv, ten_tt, count(:"SYS_B_25") sophieu, tenbuucuc from ( SELECT decode(a.kieuno, :"SYS_B_26", SUM(a.NOGOC+a.THUE), :"SYS_B_27") sotien, decode(a.kieuno, :"SYS_B_28", SUM(a.NOGOC+a.THUE), :"SYS_B_29") dauky, a.MA_KH, COUNT(a.MA_KH) sophieu, :"SYS_B_30" thang , b.MA_NV, b.TEN_TT, c .TENBUUCUC FROM ( select a.* from CCS_HNI.ct_no_042009 a, ( select distinct ma_kh from ( select distinct ma_kh from CCS_HNI.ct_no_042009 union all (select distinct ma_kh from CCS_HNI.ct_no_042009 where chukyno=:"SYS_B_31" minus select distinct b.ma_KH FROM CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_042009 a, CCS_HNI.ct_tra_042009 b where a.httt_id<>:"SYS_B_32" and a.phieu_id = b.phieu_id and b.chukyno=:"SYS_B_33" ))) b where a.ma_kh = b.ma_kh ) a , CCS_HNI.khachhangs_042009 b , CCS_HNI.buucucthus c WHERE :"SYS_B_34"=:"SYS_B_35" and b.donviql_id=:"SYS_B_36" and b.ma_bc=:"SYS_B_37" AND a.MA_KH = b.MA_KH AND b.MA_BC = c.MA_BC GROUP BY a.MA_KH, b.MA_NV, ten_tt, c.TENBUUCUC, a.kieuno HAVING SUM(a.NOGOC+a.THUE)<>:"SYS_B_38") where sotien<>:"SYS_B_39" group by sotien, dauky, ma_kh, thang, ma_nv, ten_tt, tenbuucuc ) GROUP BY ROLLUP(tenbuucuc, ma_nv, ma_kh))
8z1fgr6wzkqz9 select * from (SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_00") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B_01") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_02"), :"SYS_B_03") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_04", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_05", :"SYS_B_06") ckn_chu, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_07") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_112008 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_112008 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_08" union all SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_09") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B_10") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_11"), :"SYS_B_12") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_13", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_14", :"SYS_B_15") ckn_ch u, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_16") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_122008 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_122008 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_17" union all SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_18") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B_19") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_20"), :"SYS_B_21") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_22", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_23", :"SYS_B_24") ckn_chu, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_25") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_012009 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_012009 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_26" union all SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_27") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B_28") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_29"), :"SYS_B_30") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_31", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_32", :"SYS_B_33") ckn_chu, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_34") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_022009 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_022009 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_ id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_35" union all SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_36") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B_37") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_38"), :"SYS_B_39") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_40", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_41", :"SYS_B_42") ckn_chu, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_43") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_032009 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_032009 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_44" union all SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_45") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B _46") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_47"), :"SYS_B_48") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_49", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_50", :"SYS_B_51") ckn_chu, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_52") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_042009 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_042009 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_53" union all SELECT ph.chungtu, tra.ma_tb, ph.ma_kh, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_54") ngay_tt, to_char(nvl(tra.tragoc, :"SYS_B_55") + nvl(tra.trathue, :"SYS_B_56"), :"SYS_B_57") thuctra, QLTN_xln.laytt_thangtra1(:"SYS_B_58", ph.phieu_id, :"SYS_B_59", :"SYS_B_60") ckn_chu, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.gomhoadon, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_61") ngay_thuc, bc.tenbuucuc, ph.phieu_id, ph.nguoigach, ng.hovaten, ph.gachtumay, ph.ghichu FROM CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 ph, (SELECT SUM (tragoc) tragoc, SUM (trathue) trathue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb, phieu_id FROM CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 GROUP BY phieu_id) tra, CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos ng, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HCM.buucucthus bc WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.nguoigach = ng.nguoigach AND ht.httt_id=ph.httt_id AND ph.ma_bc=bc.ma_bc and tra.ma_tb=:"SYS_B_62" ) order by to_date(ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_63"), to_date(ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_64")
91uwt9azjrzv9SELECT * FROM ccs_common.thuebao_nhoms_062009 a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT :"SYS_B_0" FROM (SELECT a.somay, a.nhom_id--, COUNT (1) FROM ccs_common.thuebao_nhoms_062009 a GROUP BY a.somay, a.nhom_id HAVING COUNT (:"SYS_B_1") > :"SYS_B_2") b WHERE a.nhom_id = b.nhom_id AND a.somay = b.somay)
964uj0uu29zapselect distinct ma_kh from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where :"SYS_B_0"=:"SYS_B_1" and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_2")
96g93hntrzjtrselect /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, timestamp#, sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival, density, col#, spare1, spare2, avgcln from hist_head$ where obj#=:1 and intcol#=:2
9tw54j5jy5ubySELECT B.PHO_ID dieukien, B.TENPHO ten FROM ccs_common.MAPHOS A, ccs_common.DUONGPHOS B WHERE (A.PHO_ID = B.PHO_ID) AND ( A.Phuong_ID =:1) order by TenPho
axxctr8qu5vmrSelect :"SYS_B_0" from CCS_HCM.QUYENLV a where HUY = :"SYS_B_1" AND name = :"SYS_B_2" AND THANGKYNO LIKE :"SYS_B_3" and rownum<=:"SYS_B_4"
b058ymxj1rvkgSELECT sql_id, sql_text from v$sql WHERE sql_id in (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)
b2gnxm5z6r51nlock table sys.col_usage$ in exclusive mode nowait
b31r7jt6fjmwrselect count(:"SYS_B_0") from CCS_TNH.danhba_dds_pttb a where a.somay=:"SYS_B_1"
b9pc7j5maqw40 select nvl(count(:"SYS_B_0"), :"SYS_B_1") from ccs_common.KETNOI_CATMO KC where data_schema=:"SYS_B_2" and KC.MA_TB =:"SYS_B_3" AND KC.MA_HD=:"SYS_B_4"
bbd15mmyajuq5select count(:"SYS_B_0") from CCS_QNH.danhba_dds_pttb a where a.somay=:"SYS_B_1"
bbu9d5zu2c1auselect count(*) from all_tables where owner=:"SYS_B_0" and table_name=:"SYS_B_1"
bnca8pdsntx2uselect * from (select seri, quyen, soseri from CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos where nguoigach=:"SYS_B_0") where rownum < :"SYS_B_1"
btn0n7756q409begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_tracuu.laytt_notonghop('052009', 'HNIDD00139182', '', '1', '1', 'CCS_HNI.', 'cq1_hni'); end;
bwfx4wd80h11p SELECT rownum stt, x.* FROM ( SELECT tennganhang_user, ten_dv_user, ten_rpt_user, lanhdao_user, chucdanh_user, diachi_hd_user, ms_thue_user, tinh_kh, taikhoan_user, dienthoai_user, fax_user, ten_dv, ten_dv1, dangky_db_co, dangky_db_k, inchitiet_co, inchitiet_k, ten_rpt, ten_hd, lanhdao, lanhdao1, chucdanh, diachi_hd, msthueB, taikhoanB, dienthoai, fax, nguoi_dd, nguoi_dd1, nguoi_dd2, email, tennganhangb1, tennganhangb, tennganhanga1, tennganhanga, tennha, tien, tienchu, cuoc, tienchu cuoc_chu, kh_sonha, so_nha, kh_quanhuyen, kh_phuongxa, kh_pho, kh_tinh, kh_tinha, kh_tinhb, kh_tinhc, ten_kh, ten_kh1, ten_tt, diachi_ct, diachi_ct1, ms_thue, taikhoan, tai_khoana, cmt , ngaycap_gt, noicap_gt, chucvu, dt_lienhe, mahd, makh, ngay_laphd, dichvuvt_id, tai_nha, tai_bd, tai_nh, chuyen_khoan, hinhthuc_tainha, hinhthuc_tainha||:"SYS_B_00"||diachi_tt hinhthuc_tainha1, hinhthuc_taibuudien, hinhthuc_chuyenkhoan, code, diachi_tt, ten_tt||:"SYS_B_01"||diachi_tt dc_tt, hinhthuc_tainganhang, ma_so, bk_email, bk_buudien, bk_khong, bk_nha, yeucau, gt, uynhiem_chi, uynhiem_thu FROM ( SELECT distinct upper(dv.ten_dv) ten_dv, dv_user.ten_dv ten_dv_user, upper(dv.ten_dv) ten_dv1, DECODE(TO_CHAR(hd.dangky_db), :"SYS_B_02", :"SYS_B_03", :"SYS_B_04") dangky_db_co, DECODE(TO_CHAR(hd.dangky_db), :"SYS_B_0 5", :"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07") dangky_db_k, DECODE(TO_CHAR(tb.inchitiet), :"SYS_B_08", :"SYS_B_09", :"SYS_B_10") inchitiet_co, DECODE(TO_CHAR(tb.inchitiet), :"SYS_B_11", :"SYS_B_12", :"SYS_B_13") inchitiet_k, dv.ten_rpt, dv.ten_hd, dv.lanhdao, dv.lanhdao lanhdao1, dv.chucdanh chucdanh, dv.diachi_hd, dv.ms_thue msthueB, dv.taikhoan taikhoanB, dv.dienthoai, dv.fax, NVL(hd.nguoi_dd, hd.ten_tt) nguoi_dd, NVL(hd.nguoi_dd, hd.ten_tt) nguoi_dd1, NVL(hd.nguoi_dd, hd.ten_tt) nguoi_dd2,, nh.ten tennganhangb1, nh_user.ten tennganhang_user, nh.ten tennganhangb, nh_hd.ten tennganhanga1, nh_hd.ten tennganhanga, nh_hd.ten tennhA, dv_user.ten_rpt ten_rpt_user, dv_user.lanhdao lanhdao_user, tinh_kh, dv_user.chucdanh chucdanh_user, dv_user.diachi_hd diachi_hd_user, dv_user.ms_thue ms_thue_user, dv_user.taikhoan taikhoan_user, dv_user.dienthoai dienthoai_user, dv_user.fax fax_user, TO_CHAR(TB.CUOC_LD+TB.VAT_LD, :"SYS_B_14") TIEN, UTIL.doisosangchu(TO_CHAR(nvl(TB.CUOC_LD+TB.VAT_LD, :"SYS_B_15"))) TIENCHU, hd.so_gt cmt, NVL(tb.cuoc_ld + tb.vat_ld, :"SYS_B_16") cuoc, hd.so_nha KH_SoNha, hd.so_nha , qn.tenquan kh_quanhuyen, ph.tenphuong kh_phuongxa, dp.tenpho kh_pho, kh_tinh, kh_tinhA, kh_tinhB, kh_tinhC, hd.coquan ten_kh, up per(hd.coquan) ten_kh1, hd.ten_tt, hd.diachi_ct, hd.diachi_ct DIACHI_CT1, hd.diachi_tt, hd.ms_thue, hd.taikhoan, hd.taikhoan tai_khoanA, hd.ngaycap_gt, hd.noicap_gt, hd.chucdanh chucvu, hd.DIENTHOAI_LH dt_lienhe, hd.DIADIEMTT_ID, hd.ma_hd MaHD, hd.ma_kh MaKH, TO_CHAR(hd.ngay_laphd, :"SYS_B_17")NGAY_LAPHD, hd.dichvuvt_id, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_18", :"SYS_B_19", :"SYS_B_20") tai_nha, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22", :"SYS_B_23") tai_BD, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_24", :"SYS_B_25", :"SYS_B_26") tai_NH, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_27", :"SYS_B_28", :"SYS_B_29") chuyen_khoan, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_30", :"SYS_B_31", :"SYS_B_32") hinhthuc_tainha, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_33", :"SYS_B_34", :"SYS_B_35") hinhthuc_taibuudien, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_36", :"SYS_B_37", :"SYS_B_38") hinhthuc_chuyenkhoan, DECODE(hd.diadiemtt_id, :"SYS_B_39", :"SYS_B_40", :"SYS_B_41") hinhthuc_tainganhang, DECODE (hd.chuyenkhoan_id, :"SYS_B_42", :"SYS_B_43", :"SYS_B_44")uynhiem_chi, DECODE (hd.chuyenkhoan_id, :"SYS_B_45", :"SYS_B_46", :"SYS_B_47")uynhiem_thu, gt.code, bc.ma_bc||:"SYS_B_48"||hd.nguoi_cn||:"SYS_B_49"||TO_CHAR(sysdate, :"SYS_B_50") ma_so, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_51", :"SYS_B_52", :"SYS_B_53") bk_email, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_54", :"SYS_B_55", :"SYS_B_56") bk_buudien, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_57", :"SYS_B_58", :"SYS_B_59") bk_khong, DECODE(tb.kieubc_id, :"SYS_B_60", :"SYS_B_61", :"SYS_B_62") bk_nha, DECODE(tb.kieuld_id, :"SYS_B_63", :"SYS_B_64", :"SYS_B_65", :"SYS_B_66", :"SYS_B_67", :"SYS_B_68", :"SYS_B_69") yeucau, DECODE(hd.loaigt_id, :"SYS_B_70", :"SYS_B_71", :"SYS_B_72", :"SYS_B_73", :"SYS_B_74", :"SYS_B_75", :"SYS_B_76", :"SYS_B_77") gt FROM (SELECT dv.*, nvl(cd.ten, :"SYS_B_78") chucdanh FROM CCS_QNI.donvi_qls dv, CCS_QNI.chucdanhs cd WHERE dv.chucdanh_id = cd.chucdanh_id(+) )dv, CCS_QNI.buucucthus bc, CCS_QNI.hopdong_lds hd, (SELECT * FROM CCS_QNI.thuebao_lds WHERE MA_HD=:"SYS_B_79" AND rownum<=:"SYS_B_80") tb, CCS_QNI.nganhangs nh , CCS_QNI.nganhangs nh_user, (SELECT * FROM CCS_QNI.nganhangs)nh_hd, ccs_common.agent ag, (SELECT dv.*, NVL (cd.ten, :"SYS_B_81") chucdanh FROM CCS_QNI.donvi_qls dv, CCS_QNI.chucdanhs cd WHERE dv.chucdanh_id = cd.chucdanh_id(+)) dv_user, ccs_common.quans qn, ccs_common.quans q_kh, ccs_common.agent a_kh, ccs_co mmon.phuongs ph, ccs_common.DUONGPHOS dp, ccs_common.MAPHOS mp, CCS_QNI.users us, ccs_common.loai_gts gt WHERE :"SYS_B_82"=:"SYS_B_83" and"SYS_B_84" AND ag.schema = :"SYS_B_85" and hd.ma_bc = bc.ma_bc AND tb.ma_hd = hd.ma_hd AND dv_user.donviql_id = us.donviql_id AND hd.loaigt_id= gt.loaigt_id AND q_kh.quan_id(+) = hd.quan_id AND a_kh.agent_id(+) = q_kh.tinh_id AND dv.nganhang_id = nh.nganhang_id(+) AND dv_user.nganhang_id = nh_user.nganhang_id(+) AND hd.nganhang_id = nh_hd.nganhang_id(+) AND bc.donviql_id = dv.donviql_id AND hd.quan_id =qn.quan_id(+) AND hd.phuong_id=ph.phuong_id(+) AND hd.pho_id=mp.pho_id(+) AND dp.pho_id(+)=mp.pho_id AND hd.ma_hd in(:"SYS_B_86")) ) x
c33yfr8c2sdcuselect distinct ct.ma_tb from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ct, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 ph where ct.phieu_id=ph.phieu_id and ph.phieu_id=:"SYS_B_0"
cb0fwr0haa5rfselect ma_kh from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_052009 where ma_cq||:"SYS_B_0" in (:"SYS_B_1")
cjswc8t62pv3d select rownum row_stt, c.* from (SELECT ph.ma_kh, kh.sodaidien, kh.ms_thue, kh.ten_tt, kh.diachi_tt, decode(ph.trangthai, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01", :"SYS_B_02") check_box, nvl(no.no_dk, :"SYS_B_03") no_dk, nvl(no.no_ps, :"SYS_B_04") no_ps, to_char((case when :"SYS_B_05"=:"SYS_B_06" then ph.sotien else NVL(NO.tongno, :"SYS_B_07") end)-nvl(km.tien, :"SYS_B_08") , :"SYS_B_09") tiencon, to_char(NVL(ph.tiengiao, sotien), :"SYS_B_10") tienphieu, to_char(nvl((select sum(tragoc+trathue) from CCS_VTU.ct_tra_032009 where ph.ma_kh=ma_kh), :"SYS_B_11"), :"SYS_B_12") tientra, to_char(NVL(NO.tongno, :"SYS_B_13"), :"SYS_B_14") tongno, to_char(nvl(km.tien, :"SYS_B_15"), :"SYS_B_16") khuyenmai, decode(nvl(km.tien, :"SYS_B_17"), :"SYS_B_18", :"SYS_B_19", :"SYS_B_20") check_km, ph.chukyno, ph.seri, ph.thung, ph.soseri, qltn.chukyno_dangchu (ph.chukyno, :"SYS_B_21", :"SYS_B_22") kyhoadon, ph.loaihd_id, ph.ten_t, ph.ma_t, ph.ma_nv, ph.ma_bc, :"SYS_B_23" cf_ma_kh, :"SYS_B_24" cf_sdd, :"SYS_B_25" cf_ten_tt, :"SYS_B_26" cf_diachi_tt, :"SYS_B_27" cf_ms_thue, :"SYS_B_28" cf_seri, :"SYS_B_29" cf_soseri, :"SYS_B_30" cf_ma_t, :"SYS_B_31" cf_ky_hd, :"SYS_B_32" cf_no_dk, :"SYS_B_33" cf_no_ps, :"SYS_B_34" cf_tongno, :"SYS_B_35" cf_tien phieu, :"SYS_B_36" cf_datra, :"SYS_B_37" cf_httt, :"SYS_B_38" cf_so_ct, :"SYS_B_39" cf_kytra, :"SYS_B_40" cf_kh_tra FROM CCS_VTU.PHIEU_032009 ph, CCS_VTU.khachhangs_032009 kh, (SELECT SUM (nogoc + thue - hoahong) tongno, sum(decode(kieuno, :"SYS_B_41", nogoc+thue, :"SYS_B_42")) no_dk, sum(decode(chukyno, :"SYS_B_43", nogoc+thue, :"SYS_B_44")) no_ps, ma_kh FROM CCS_VTU.ct_no_032009 GROUP BY ma_kh) NO, (select sum (nogoc+thue) tien, ma_kh from CCS_VTU.kmck_032009 where trangthai_id=:"SYS_B_45" group by ma_kh) km WHERE ph.ma_kh = kh.ma_kh(+) AND ph.ma_kh = NO.ma_kh(+) and ph.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and ph.chukyno=:"SYS_B_46" and exists (select :"SYS_B_47" from CCS_VTU.user_buucuc where kh.MA_BC=ma_bc and userid=:"SYS_B_48") AND ph.ma_nv = :"SYS_B_49" AND ph.trangthai in (:"SYS_B_50", :"SYS_B_51") order by ph.ma_nv, ph.ma_t, ph.ma_kh, kh.sodaidien, kh.ten_tt) c where rownum<:"SYS_B_52"
d4tq7gvv2phbaselect ma_bc from CCS_HCM.user_buucuc where userid=:"SYS_B_0"
db78fxqxwxt7rselect /*+ rule */ bucket, endpoint, col#, epvalue from histgrm$ where obj#=:1 and intcol#=:2 and row#=:3 order by bucket
dq15xdpusd899begin :1:= CCS_ADMIN.qltn_tracuu.laytt_notonghop('052009', '', '84913203636', '1', '1', 'CCS_HNI.', 'cq1_hni'); end;
durpnk0t0gj0hSELECT * FROM "CCS_CBG"."CT_NO_042009"
f1mk4qhmj87qr select a.ma_tinh from ccs_common.thue_bao a where a.so_tb=:"SYS_B_0"
f3cc7zu4ccxr9SELECT nvl(TBTT, :"SYS_B_0"), nvl(KHAC, :"SYS_B_1") FROM (SELECT SUM(CT.NOGOC + CT.THUE - CT.HOAHONG) TBTT FROM CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 CT, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 PH WHERE PH.phieu_id = :"SYS_B_2" AND CT.MA_TB IN(:"SYS_B_3") AND PH.MA_KH = CT.MA_KH), (SELECT SUM(CT.NOGOC + CT.THUE - CT.HOAHONG) KHAC FROM CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 CT, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 PH WHERE PH.phieu_id = :"SYS_B_4" AND CT.MA_TB NOT IN(:"SYS_B_5") AND PH.MA_KH = CT.MA_KH)
f3qbuy2ujcpabselect username from sys.dba_users where exists (select :"SYS_B_0" from sys.dba_objects where owner=username) or username = user order by username
f6kjhnkzgs2hmbegin :1 := CCS_ADMIN.pttb_thtoan.gachno_hdld('pttb_thuvta_hnm', 'HNM', 'CCS_HNM.', 'HNM-LD/00004174', '3422', '', 1, to_date('08/06/2009', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), to_date('08/06/2009', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1, 1, null, '', '');end;
fbd1gzpptzu82 select * from (SELECT kh.ten_tt, tra.ma_tb somay, kh.diachi_tt, ph.seri, ph.soseri, ph.ma_kh, ph.phieu_id, ph.ma_tn, ph.chungtu, ph.ghichu, ph.nguoigach, lt.viettat, to_char(ph.ngay_tt, :"SYS_B_00") ngay_tt, ph.sophieu, ph.luotthanhtoan, qltn.chukyno_dangchu(tra.chukyno, :"SYS_B_01", :"SYS_B_02") thangtra, to_char(ph.ngay_thuc, :"SYS_B_03") ngay_thuc, to_char(ck.ngaynhan, :"SYS_B_04") ngaynhan, ht.hinhthuc, to_char(NVL (km.khuyenmai, :"SYS_B_05"), :"SYS_B_06") chietkhau, :"SYS_B_07" chukyno, to_char(tra.tientra, :"SYS_B_08") tientra FROM CCS_HNI.bangphieutra_042009 ph, CCS_HNI.loaitiens lt, (select ma_kh, max(phieu_id) phieu_id, max(ngaynhan) ngaynhan from CCS_HNI.chuyenkhoans group by ma_kh) ck, ccs_common.hinhthuc_tts ht, CCS_HNI.khachhangs_042009 kh, (SELECT SUM (tragoc - chihoahong + trathue) tientra, max(chukyno) chukyno, ma_kh, phieu_id, max(ma_tb) ma_tb FROM CCS_HNI.ct_tra_042009 GROUP BY ma_kh, phieu_id) tra, (SELECT SUM (nogoc + thue - hoahong) khuyenmai, ma_kh, phieu_id FROM CCS_HNI.kmck_042009 WHERE trangthai_id = :"SYS_B_09" GROUP BY ma_kh, phieu_id) km WHERE ph.phieu_id = tra.phieu_id AND ph.phieu_id = km.phieu_id(+) AND ph.l oaitien_id = lt.loaitien_id AND ph.httt_id = ht.httt_id AND ph.ma_kh = ck.ma_kh(+) AND kh.ma_kh = ph.ma_kh and ph.ngay_tt>=to_date(:"SYS_B_10", :"SYS_B_11") and ph.ngay_tt<=to_date(:"SYS_B_12", :"SYS_B_13")) order by sophieu
fmg55191p2fv7 select distinct qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.ten_tt) ten_tt, qltn_tamthu.chuanhoa_string(kh.diachi_tt) diachi_tt, kh.ms_thue, kh.ma_kh, nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_000") nogoc_thuc, nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_001") thue_thuc, to_char(nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_002")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_003"), :"SYS_B_004") tongno_thuc, nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_005") nogoc_km, nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_006") thue_km, to_char( nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_007")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_008"), :"SYS_B_009") tongno_km, (nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_010")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_011")) nogoc, (nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_012")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_013")) thue, to_char( nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_014")-nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_015")+nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_016")-nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_017"), :"SYS_B_018") tongno, nvl(no.ma_tb, kh.sodaidien) ma_tb, to_char(nvl(da_tra.tra, :"SYS_B_019"), :"SYS_B_020") datra, to_char(nvl(da_km.tra, :"SYS_B_021"), :"SYS_B_022") da_km, :"SYS_B_023" da_ck, to_char(nvl(da_dc.tra, :"SYS_B_024"), :"SYS_B_025") da_dc, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_026")-nvl(chi_kq.tien, :"SYS_B_027"), :"SYS_B_028") thu_kyquy, to_char(nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_029")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_030"), :"SYS_B_031") tinhthuho, TO_CHAR(nvl(thu_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_032")-nvl(chi_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_033"), :"S YS_B_034") thu_cuocnong , to_char(nvl(thdd_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_035"), :"SYS_B_036") cuocnong, :"SYS_B_037" tt_cuocnong , to_char(qltn_tamthu.laytt_tientamthu2( nvl(thdd_cn.tien, :"SYS_B_038"), nvl(thdd_cn.qtrm, :"SYS_B_039"), :"SYS_B_040"), :"SYS_B_041") tra_cuocnong, --bo qua viec query sang VNP67 de tranh viec nghen he thong --Khong chinh xac - phai la doituong_id trong danh ba decode(nvl(db.doituong_id, :"SYS_B_042"), :"SYS_B_043", :"SYS_B_044", :"SYS_B_045") --khach hang nuoc ngoai hoac khu che xuat || (case when nvl(no.nogoc, :"SYS_B_046")+ nvl(no.thue, :"SYS_B_047") <=:"SYS_B_048" then :"SYS_B_049" else :"SYS_B_050" end) --khach hang het no || (case when nvl(tien_th.tien, :"SYS_B_051")-nvl(gach_th.tien, :"SYS_B_052") >:"SYS_B_053" then :"SYS_B_054" else :"SYS_B_055" end) --khach hang co thu ho || (case when nvl(km.nogoc, :"SYS_B_056")+nvl(km.thue, :"SYS_B_057") >:"SYS_B_058" then :"SYS_B_059" else :"SYS_B_060" end) --khach hang co khuyen mai ||:"SYS_B_061" --co nhieu khach hang thongbao, kh.ma_nv, kh.ma_t/*, decode(no.ma_tb, db.somay, 1, 0) kh_hientai*/ from (select * from CCS_HCM.khachhangs_pttb where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_062") ) kh , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (n ogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue, max(ma_tb) ma_tb from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno<>:"SYS_B_063" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_064") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_065") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_066") group by ma_kh ) no , ( SELECT ma_kh, SUM (nogoc) nogoc, SUM (thue) thue from CCS_HCM.ct_no_052009 where kieuno=:"SYS_B_067" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_068") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_069") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_070") group by ma_kh ) km , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_071") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_072") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_073") group by ma_kh ) da_tra , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum(ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_074") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_075") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_076") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_077") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_km , ( SELECT ctt.ma_kh, sum (ctt.tragoc+ctt.trathue) tra from CCS_HCM.ct_tra_052009 ctt, CCS_HCM.bangphieutra_052009 pt where ctt.phieu_id=pt.phieu_id and ctt.ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_078") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_079") and ctt.loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_080") and pt.httt_id in (:"SYS_B_081", :"SYS_B_082") group by ctt.ma_kh ) da_dc , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.kyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_083") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_084") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_085") group by ma_kh ) thu_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from CCS_HCM.chikyquys where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_086") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_087") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_088") group by ma_kh ) chi_kq , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_089") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_090") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_091") and khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_092" group by ma_kh ) thu_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tragoc+trathue) tien from CCS_HCM.c hi_cn_052009 where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_093") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_094") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_095") group by ma_kh ) chi_cn , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(sotien) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_096" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_097") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_098") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_099") group by ma_kh ) tien_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, sum(tiengach) tien from ccs_common.thuho_052009 where tinh_id=:"SYS_B_100" and ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_101") and ma_tb in (:"SYS_B_102") and loaitien_id in (:"SYS_B_103") group by ma_kh ) gach_th , ( SELECT ma_kh, round(sum(tien+vat)) tien, count (distinct (decode(khoanmuctc_id, :"SYS_B_104", :"SYS_B_105", :"SYS_B_106", :"SYS_B_107", null))) qtrm from CCS_HCM.thdd_200906@DBL_2_BILLING where ma_kh in (:"SYS_B_108") and somay in (:"SYS_B_109") and usd = (case when :"SYS_B_110"=:"SYS_B_111" then :"SYS_B_112" else :"SYS_B_113" end) group by ma_kh ) thdd_cn , (select * from CCS_HCM.danhba_dds_pttb where :"SYS_B_114"=:"SYS_B_115" and somay in (:"SYS_B_116") ) db where kh.ma_kh=no.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_tra.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_km.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=da_dc.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thu_kq.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_kq.ma_kh(+) AND kh.ma_kh=thu_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=chi_cn.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=tien_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=gach_th.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=db.ma_kh(+) and kh.ma_kh=thdd_cn.ma_kh(+)
ft9bwg84d3x02UPDATE ccs_common.ketnoi_catmo SET trangthaith_id =:"SYS_B_0" WHERE ma_hd=:"SYS_B_1" and ma_tb=:"SYS_B_2"
g30hy9b8c802bselect * from (select hinhthuctt_ids, qltn_tamthu.laytt_ngaycuocnong(:"SYS_B_0") ngay_cn from CCS_HCM.nguoigachnos where nguoigach=:"SYS_B_1") where rownum < :"SYS_B_2"
gp92v1nz53dfh select to_char(sum(replace(sotien, :"SYS_B_00", :"SYS_B_01") ), :"SYS_B_02") sotien, qltn_baocao.tienchu(sum(replace(sotien, :"SYS_B_03", :"SYS_B_04") ) ) tienchu, count(*) tongphieu from (SELECT ph.Ma_kh, ph.Ma_tb, Kh.Ten_tt, ph.so_ct phieu_Id, to_char(ph.ngaynhap, :"SYS_B_05") Ngaythu, to_char(nvl((select sum(tragoc+trathue) from where khoanmuctt_id=:"SYS_B_06" and ph.phieu_id=phieu_id and ph.ckn_chu=ckn_chu), :"SYS_B_07"), :"SYS_B_08") sotien FROM CCS_HCM.Phieuthu ph, (SELECT DISTINCT MA_KH, MAX(TEN_TT) TEN_TT FROM ( select ma_kh, ten_tt from CCS_HCM.Khachhangs_052009 union select ma_kh, ten_tt from CCS_HCM.Khachhangs_052009 ) GROUP BY MA_KH ) Kh, (SELECT MAX (Somay) Ma_tb, Ma_kh FROM CCS_HCM.Danhba_dds_052009 GROUP BY Ma_kh union SELECT MAX (Somay) Ma_tb, Ma_kh FROM CCS_HCM.Danhba_dds_052009 GROUP BY Ma_kh ) Db, (SELECT SUM (Sotien) Tienchi, Phieu_thu FROM CCS_HCM.Phieuchi GROUP BY Phieu_thu) Chi WHERE :"SYS_B_09"=:"SYS_B_10" AND ph.ma_bc = :"SYS_B_11" AND ph.ma_tn=:"SYS_B_12" AND ph.ngaynhap >= to_date(:"SYS_B_13", :"SYS_B_14") AND ph.ngaynhap <= to_date(:"SYS_B_15", :"SYS_B_16") and ph.Phieu_id = Chi.Phieu_thu(+) AND ph.Ma_kh = Kh.Ma_kh AND ph.Ma_kh = Db.Ma_kh(+) AND ph.ckn_chu=:"SYS_B_17" and ph.httt_id!=:"SYS_B_18" )

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Instance Activity Statistics

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Instance Activity Stats

StatisticTotalper Secondper Trans
CPU used by this session 245,712 68.87 29.64
CPU used when call started 243,232 68.17 29.34
CR blocks created 507 0.14 0.06
Cached Commit SCN referenced 0 0.00 0.00
Commit SCN cached 1 0.00 0.00
DB time 3,094,017 867.16 373.27
DBWR checkpoint buffers written 31,708 8.89 3.83
DBWR checkpoints 2 0.00 0.00
DBWR object drop buffers written 80 0.02 0.01
DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffers written 0 0.00 0.00
DBWR transaction table writes 563 0.16 0.07
DBWR undo block writes 6,176 1.73 0.75
DFO trees parallelized 0 0.00 0.00
IMU CR rollbacks 326 0.09 0.04
IMU Flushes 2,747 0.77 0.33
IMU Redo allocation size 10,131,480 2,839.56 1,222.28
IMU commits 6,647 1.86 0.80
IMU contention 30 0.01 0.00
IMU ktichg flush 4 0.00 0.00
IMU pool not allocated 0 0.00 0.00
IMU recursive-transaction flush 23 0.01 0.00
IMU undo allocation size 44,558,704 12,488.51 5,375.64
IMU- failed to get a private strand 0 0.00 0.00
Misses for writing mapping 0 0.00 0.00
PX local messages recv'd 0 0.00 0.00
PX local messages sent 0 0.00 0.00
Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 0 0.00 0.00
Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 0 0.00 0.00
SMON posted for dropping temp segment 0 0.00 0.00
SMON posted for undo segment recovery 0 0.00 0.00
SMON posted for undo segment shrink 3 0.00 0.00
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 325,195 91.14 39.23
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink 143,012 40.08 17.25
active txn count during cleanout 2,723 0.76 0.33
application wait time 2,852 0.80 0.34
background checkpoints completed 0 0.00 0.00
background checkpoints started 0 0.00 0.00
background timeouts 12,840 3.60 1.55
branch node splits 0 0.00 0.00
buffer is not pinned count 3,667,872 1,028.00 442.50
buffer is pinned count 7,043,266 1,974.02 849.71
bytes received via SQL*Net from client 26,124,029 7,321.81 3,151.65
bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink 32,647,227 9,150.07 3,938.62
bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 494,971,909 138,726.24 59,714.31
bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink 29,070,901 8,147.73 3,507.17
calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss 413,809 115.98 49.92
calls to kcmgas 22,826 6.40 2.75
calls to kcmgcs 2,923 0.82 0.35
change write time 316 0.09 0.04
cleanout - number of ktugct calls 2,947 0.83 0.36
cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets 204 0.06 0.02
cleanouts only - consistent read gets 126 0.04 0.02
cluster key scan block gets 53,194 14.91 6.42
cluster key scans 29,992 8.41 3.62
commit batch performed 3,352 0.94 0.40
commit batch requested 3,352 0.94 0.40
commit batch/immediate performed 3,394 0.95 0.41
commit batch/immediate requested 3,394 0.95 0.41
commit cleanout failures: block lost 5 0.00 0.00
commit cleanout failures: buffer being written 1 0.00 0.00
commit cleanout failures: callback failure 111 0.03 0.01
commit cleanout failures: cannot pin 12 0.00 0.00
commit cleanouts 63,687 17.85 7.68
commit cleanouts successfully completed 63,558 17.81 7.67
commit immediate performed 42 0.01 0.01
commit immediate requested 42 0.01 0.01
commit txn count during cleanout 685 0.19 0.08
concurrency wait time 1,745,707 489.27 210.61
consistent changes 3,626 1.02 0.44
consistent gets 12,986,807 3,639.82 1,566.75
consistent gets - examination 1,770,792 496.30 213.63
consistent gets direct 95 0.03 0.01
consistent gets from cache 12,986,714 3,639.80 1,566.74
cursor authentications 18,702 5.24 2.26
data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied 1,630 0.46 0.20
db block changes 355,988 99.77 42.95
db block gets 414,255 116.10 49.98
db block gets direct 151 0.04 0.02
db block gets from cache 414,104 116.06 49.96
deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applications 34,303 9.61 4.14
dirty buffers inspected 34 0.01 0.00
enqueue conversions 203,222 56.96 24.52
enqueue releases 378,342 106.04 45.64
enqueue requests 378,409 106.06 45.65
enqueue timeouts 0 0.00 0.00
enqueue waits 47 0.01 0.01
execute count 327,242 91.72 39.48
free buffer inspected 72,889 20.43 8.79
free buffer requested 72,811 20.41 8.78
heap block compress 7,929 2.22 0.96
hot buffers moved to head of LRU 93,896 26.32 11.33
immediate (CR) block cleanout applications 330 0.09 0.04
immediate (CURRENT) block cleanout applications 9,726 2.73 1.17
index fast full scans (full) 5,793 1.62 0.70
index fetch by key 846,565 237.27 102.13
index scans kdiixs1 1,188,227 333.03 143.35
leaf node 90-10 splits 64 0.02 0.01
leaf node splits 276 0.08 0.03
lob reads 267 0.07 0.03
lob writes 755 0.21 0.09
lob writes unaligned 755 0.21 0.09
logons cumulative 444 0.12 0.05
messages received 34,638 9.71 4.18
messages sent 34,639 9.71 4.18
no buffer to keep pinned count 0 0.00 0.00
no work - consistent read gets 9,923,910 2,781.38 1,197.24
opened cursors cumulative 182,598 51.18 22.03
parse count (failures) 856 0.24 0.10
parse count (hard) 42,707 11.97 5.15
parse count (total) 193,234 54.16 23.31
parse time cpu 32,235 9.03 3.89
parse time elapsed 663,589 185.98 80.06
physical read IO requests 30,381 8.51 3.67
physical read bytes 1,187,774,464 332,898.67 143,295.27
physical read total IO requests 39,805 11.16 4.80
physical read total bytes 1,340,830,208 375,795.75 161,760.19
physical read total multi block requests 6,803 1.91 0.82
physical reads 144,992 40.64 17.49
physical reads cache 65,541 18.37 7.91
physical reads cache prefetch 37,955 10.64 4.58
physical reads direct 79,451 22.27 9.59
physical reads direct (lob) 3 0.00 0.00
physical reads direct temporary tablespace 79,356 22.24 9.57
physical reads prefetch warmup 0 0.00 0.00
physical write IO requests 24,143 6.77 2.91
physical write bytes 912,080,896 255,629.77 110,035.09
physical write total IO requests 62,984 17.65 7.60
physical write total bytes 1,347,256,832 377,596.94 162,535.51
physical write total multi block requests 19,061 5.34 2.30
physical writes 111,338 31.20 13.43
physical writes direct 79,507 22.28 9.59
physical writes direct (lob) 92 0.03 0.01
physical writes direct temporary tablespace 79,356 22.24 9.57
physical writes from cache 31,831 8.92 3.84
physical writes non checkpoint 89,629 25.12 10.81
pinned buffers inspected 4 0.00 0.00
prefetch clients - default 0 0.00 0.00
prefetch warmup blocks aged out before use 0 0.00 0.00
prefetched blocks aged out before use 0 0.00 0.00
process last non-idle time 3,586 1.01 0.43
queries parallelized 0 0.00 0.00
recovery blocks read 0 0.00 0.00
recursive calls 1,341,645 376.02 161.86
recursive cpu usage 121,066 33.93 14.61
redo blocks read for recovery 0 0.00 0.00
redo blocks written 122,691 34.39 14.80
redo buffer allocation retries 0 0.00 0.00
redo entries 157,231 44.07 18.97
redo log space requests 0 0.00 0.00
redo log space wait time 0 0.00 0.00
redo ordering marks 2,076 0.58 0.25
redo size 56,273,396 15,771.80 6,788.92
redo synch time 1,226 0.34 0.15
redo synch writes 39,566 11.09 4.77
redo wastage 4,420,124 1,238.83 533.25
redo write time 1,715 0.48 0.21
redo writer latching time 6 0.00 0.00
redo writes 16,617 4.66 2.00
rollback changes - undo records applied 871 0.24 0.11
rollbacks only - consistent read gets 303 0.08 0.04
rows fetched via callback 404,462 113.36 48.80
session connect time 0 0.00 0.00
session cursor cache hits 124,882 35.00 15.07
session logical reads 13,401,021 3,755.92 1,616.72
session pga memory 375,289,984 105,182.88 45,275.66
session pga memory max 7,716,669,504 2,162,758.24 930,953.01
session uga memory ############### 161,339,533.65 69,448,134.14
session uga memory max 2,142,215,184 600,400.67 258,440.73
shared hash latch upgrades - no wait 1,189,120 333.28 143.46
shared hash latch upgrades - wait 34 0.01 0.00
sorts (memory) 57,279 16.05 6.91
sorts (rows) 15,824,310 4,435.09 1,909.07
sql area purged 565 0.16 0.07
summed dirty queue length 294 0.08 0.04
switch current to new buffer 1,913 0.54 0.23
table fetch by rowid 4,191,303 1,174.70 505.65
table fetch continued row 22,486 6.30 2.71
table scan blocks gotten 7,258,162 2,034.25 875.64
table scan rows gotten 588,008,118 164,801.59 70,938.37
table scans (direct read) 0 0.00 0.00
table scans (long tables) 0 0.00 0.00
table scans (rowid ranges) 0 0.00 0.00
table scans (short tables) 26,922 7.55 3.25
total number of times SMON posted 78 0.02 0.01
transaction rollbacks 3,394 0.95 0.41
undo change vector size 19,318,808 5,414.50 2,330.66
user I/O wait time 13,898 3.90 1.68
user calls 387,830 108.70 46.79
user commits 8,252 2.31 1.00
user rollbacks 37 0.01 0.00
workarea executions - onepass 146 0.04 0.02
workarea executions - optimal 62,545 17.53 7.55
write clones created in background 0 0.00 0.00
write clones created in foreground 1 0.00 0.00

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Instance Activity Stats - Absolute Values

StatisticBegin ValueEnd Value
session cursor cache count 305,327 318,186
opened cursors current 23,788 26,746
workarea memory allocated 7,764 7,700
logons current 145 163

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Instance Activity Stats - Thread Activity

StatisticTotalper Hour
log switches (derived) 0 0.00

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IO Stats

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Tablespace IO Stats

TablespaceReadsAv Reads/sAv Rd(ms)Av Blks/RdWritesAv Writes/sBuffer WaitsAv Buf Wt(ms)
USERS 25,318 7 3.46 2.38 17,932 5 56 5.18
TEMP 2,660 1 1.02 29.83 2,662 1 0 0.00
SYSTEM 1,642 0 4.07 1.00 555 0 2 0.00
SYSAUX 662 0 9.77 5.51 1,274 0 0 0.00
UNDOTBS1 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,205 0 1 0.00
TOOL 29 0 4.48 1.00 330 0 0 0.00

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File IO Stats

TablespaceFilenameReadsAv Reads/sAv Rd(ms)Av Blks/RdWritesAv Writes/sBuffer WaitsAv Buf Wt(ms)
SYSAUX /vnporadataSYSTEM/VNP/sysaux01.dbf 662 0 9.77 5.51 1,274 0 0 0.00
SYSTEM /vnporadataSYSTEM/VNP/system01.dbf 1,642 0 4.07 1.00 555 0 2 0.00
TEMP /vnprctl/tempfile/temp01.dbf 2,660 1 1.02 29.83 2,662 1 0  
TOOL /vnporadataUSERS/oradataUSERS/tool01.dbf 29 0 4.48 1.00 330 0 0 0.00
UNDOTBS1 /vnporadataSYSTEM/VNP/undotbs01.dbf 0 0     1,205 0 1 0.00
USERS /vnporadataUSERS/oradataUSERS/users01.dbf 4,893 1 4.21 2.86 4,554 1 11 6.36
USERS /vnporadataUSERS/oradataUSERS/users02.dbf 5,403 2 3.91 2.73 5,051 1 15 2.67
USERS /vnporadataUSERS/oradataUSERS/users03.dbf 8,022 2 3.24 2.12 4,618 1 18 5.00
USERS /vnporadataUSERS/oradataUSERS/users04.dbf 7,000 2 2.84 2.06 3,709 1 12 7.50

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Buffer Pool Statistics

PNumber of BuffersPool Hit%Buffer GetsPhysical ReadsPhysical WritesFree Buff WaitWrit Comp WaitBuffer Busy Waits
D 716,224 100 13,272,377 65,519 31,721 0 0 59

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Advisory Statistics

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Instance Recovery Stats

Targt MTTR (s) Estd MTTR (s)Recovery Estd IOsActual Redo BlksTarget Redo BlksLog File Size Redo BlksLog Ckpt Timeout Redo BlksLog Ckpt Interval Redo Blks
B 990 26 4530 25118 60705 7372800 60705  
E 968 24 2897 12104 76402 7372800 76402  

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Buffer Pool Advisory

PSize for Est (M)Size FactorBuffers for EstimateEst Phys Read FactorEstimated Physical Reads
D 576 0.10 71,424 7.80 9,489,567
D 1,152 0.20 142,848 4.35 5,295,213
D 1,728 0.30 214,272 2.88 3,506,954
D 2,304 0.40 285,696 2.09 2,540,445
D 2,880 0.50 357,120 1.66 2,013,577
D 3,456 0.60 428,544 1.40 1,701,848
D 4,032 0.70 499,968 1.25 1,517,373
D 4,608 0.80 571,392 1.15 1,403,727
D 5,184 0.90 642,816 1.07 1,301,231
D 5,760 1.00 714,240 1.00 1,217,924
D 5,776 1.00 716,224 1.00 1,215,991
D 6,336 1.10 785,664 0.96 1,172,921
D 6,912 1.20 857,088 0.95 1,153,169
D 7,488 1.30 928,512 0.94 1,142,822
D 8,064 1.40 999,936 0.93 1,130,040
D 8,640 1.50 1,071,360 0.92 1,119,254
D 9,216 1.60 1,142,784 0.91 1,111,886
D 9,792 1.70 1,214,208 0.91 1,108,521
D 10,368 1.80 1,285,632 0.91 1,107,110
D 10,944 1.89 1,357,056 0.91 1,107,026
D 11,520 1.99 1,428,480 0.91 1,106,985

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PGA Aggr Summary

PGA Cache Hit %W/A MB ProcessedExtra W/A MB Read/Written
89.42 24,851 2,940

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PGA Aggr Target Stats

PGA Aggr Target(M)Auto PGA Target(M)PGA Mem Alloc(M) W/A PGA Used(M) %PGA W/A Mem%Auto W/A Mem%Man W/A MemGlobal Mem Bound(K)
B 4,096 3,105 863.76 7.58 0.88 100.00 0.00 419,430
E 4,096 2,988 1,055.98 35.11 3.32 100.00 0.00 419,430

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PGA Aggr Target Histogram

Low Optimal High OptimalTotal ExecsOptimal Execs1-Pass ExecsM-Pass Execs
2K 4K 46,506 46,506 0 0
64K 128K 407 407 0 0
128K 256K 204 204 0 0
256K 512K 286 286 0 0
512K 1024K 9,275 9,275 0 0
1M 2M 5,034 5,034 0 0
2M 4M 190 158 32 0
4M 8M 346 346 0 0
8M 16M 245 231 14 0
16M 32M 100 38 62 0
32M 64M 46 8 38 0
64M 128M 9 9 0 0

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PGA Memory Advisory

PGA Target Est (MB)Size FactrW/A MB ProcessedEstd Extra W/A MB Read/ Written to Disk Estd PGA Cache Hit %Estd PGA Overalloc Count
512 0.13 345,353.80 105,427.28 77.00 1,812
1,024 0.25 345,353.80 7,562.69 98.00 0
2,048 0.50 345,353.80 7,562.69 98.00 0
3,072 0.75 345,353.80 7,562.69 98.00 0
4,096 1.00 345,353.80 7,562.69 98.00 0
4,915 1.20 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
5,734 1.40 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
6,554 1.60 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
7,373 1.80 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
8,192 2.00 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
12,288 3.00 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
16,384 4.00 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
24,576 6.00 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0
32,768 8.00 345,353.80 152.43 100.00 0

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Shared Pool Advisory

Shared Pool Size(M)SP Size FactrEst LC Size (M)Est LC Mem ObjEst LC Time Saved (s)Est LC Time Saved FactrEst LC Load Time (s)Est LC Load Time FactrEst LC Mem Obj Hits
1,616 0.48 382 112,975 564,205 1.00 45,231 1.02 17,524,674
1,968 0.58 730 134,596 564,690 1.00 44,746 1.01 17,786,995
2,320 0.69 1,081 147,973 564,858 1.00 44,578 1.01 17,871,488
2,672 0.79 1,429 158,731 564,964 1.00 44,472 1.00 17,911,760
3,024 0.90 1,779 167,022 565,029 1.00 44,407 1.00 17,934,966
3,376 1.00 2,130 176,955 565,088 1.00 44,348 1.00 17,951,615
3,728 1.10 2,480 188,650 565,140 1.00 44,296 1.00 17,964,693
4,080 1.21 2,831 198,718 565,174 1.00 44,262 1.00 17,973,609
4,432 1.31 3,182 208,418 565,200 1.00 44,236 1.00 17,981,144
4,784 1.42 3,533 220,592 565,222 1.00 44,214 1.00 17,987,128
5,136 1.52 3,884 230,153 565,268 1.00 44,168 1.00 17,992,332
5,488 1.63 4,235 240,749 565,284 1.00 44,152 1.00 17,996,989
5,840 1.73 4,586 251,545 565,299 1.00 44,137 1.00 18,000,650
6,192 1.83 4,937 280,736 565,312 1.00 44,124 0.99 18,004,716
6,544 1.94 5,288 303,553 565,325 1.00 44,111 0.99 18,011,243
6,896 2.04 5,639 313,998 565,353 1.00 44,083 0.99 18,025,112

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SGA Target Advisory

SGA Target Size (M)SGA Size FactorEst DB Time (s)Est Physical Reads
2,304 0.25 131,287 9,836,381
4,608 0.50 104,922 2,086,988
6,912 0.75 102,121 1,454,995
9,216 1.00 101,127 1,215,839
11,520 1.25 100,867 1,195,413
13,824 1.50 100,685 1,160,275
16,128 1.75 100,640 1,135,358
18,432 2.00 100,601 1,130,533

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Streams Pool Advisory

Size for Est (MB)Size FactorEst Spill CountEst Spill Time (s)Est Unspill CountEst Unspill Time (s)
16 1.00 0 0 0 0
32 2.00 0 0 0 0
48 3.00 0 0 0 0
64 4.00 0 0 0 0
80 5.00 0 0 0 0
96 6.00 0 0 0 0
112 7.00 0 0 0 0
128 8.00 0 0 0 0
144 9.00 0 0 0 0
160 10.00 0 0 0 0
176 11.00 0 0 0 0
192 12.00 0 0 0 0
208 13.00 0 0 0 0
224 14.00 0 0 0 0
240 15.00 0 0 0 0
256 16.00 0 0 0 0
272 17.00 0 0 0 0
288 18.00 0 0 0 0
304 19.00 0 0 0 0
320 20.00 0 0 0 0

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Java Pool Advisory

Java Pool Size(M)JP Size FactrEst LC Size (M)Est LC Mem ObjEst LC Time Saved (s)Est LC Time Saved FactrEst LC Load Time (s)Est LC Load Time FactrEst LC Mem Obj Hits
16 1.00 13 222 8 1.00 44,375 1.00 504
32 2.00 13 222 8 1.00 44,375 1.00 504

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Wait Statistics

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Buffer Wait Statistics

ClassWaitsTotal Wait Time (s)Avg Time (ms)
data block 55 0 5
2nd level bmb 1 0 10
1st level bmb 1 0 0
segment header 1 0 0
undo block 1 0 0

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Enqueue Activity

Enqueue Type (Request Reason)RequestsSucc GetsFailed GetsWaitsWt Time (s)Av Wt Time(ms)
TX-Transaction (row lock contention) 8 8 0 8 28 3,452.63
JS-Job Scheduler (queue lock) 15,238 15,238 0 35 3 90.20
SQ-Sequence Cache 30 30 0 1 0 227.00
RO-Multiple Object Reuse (fast object reuse) 18 18 0 2 0 22.00
CU-Cursor 65,591 65,592 0 1 0 0.00

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Undo Statistics

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Undo Segment Summary

Undo TS#Num Undo Blocks (K)Number of TransactionsMax Qry Len (s)Max Tx ConcurcyMin/Max TR (mins)STO/ OOS uS/uR/uU/ eS/eR/eU
1 5.76 17,854 342 22   0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0

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Undo Segment Stats

End TimeNum Undo BlocksNumber of TransactionsMax Qry Len (s)Max Tx ConcyTun Ret (mins)STO/ OOS uS/uR/uU/ eS/eR/eU
08-Jun 15:57 877 3,801 342 22 27 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
08-Jun 15:47 1,209 2,323 0 16 27 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
08-Jun 15:37 850 3,346 0 10 27 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
08-Jun 15:27 754 2,222 0 13 27 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
08-Jun 15:17 818 3,672 0 14 27 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
08-Jun 15:07 1,250 2,490 151 15 27 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0

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Latch Statistics

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Latch Activity

Latch NameGet RequestsPct Get MissAvg Slps /MissWait Time (s)NoWait RequestsPct NoWait Miss
AWR Alerted Metric Element list 26,701 0.00   0 0  
Consistent RBA 16,583 0.00   0 0  
FAL request queue 72 0.00   0 0  
FAL subheap alocation 72 0.00   0 0  
FOB s.o list latch 857 0.00   0 0  
In memory undo latch 82,320 0.01 0.40 0 10,579 0.00
JS Sh mem access 116 0.00   0 0  
JS mem alloc latch 130 0.00   0 0  
JS queue access latch 130 0.00   0 0  
JS queue state obj latch 30,476 0.00   0 0  
JS slv state obj latch 323 0.00   0 0  
KMG MMAN ready and startup request latch 1,194 0.00   0 0  
KTF sga latch 9 0.00   0 1,112 0.00
KWQMN job cache list latch 85 0.00   0 0  
KWQP Prop Status 4 0.00   0 0  
MQL Tracking Latch 0     0 72 0.00
Memory Management Latch 0     0 1,194 0.00
OS process 930 0.00   0 0  
OS process allocation 1,832 0.05 0.00 0 0  
OS process: request allocation 602 0.17 0.00 0 0  
PL/SQL warning settings 37,759 0.00   0 0  
SQL memory manager latch 2 0.00   0 1,192 0.00
SQL memory manager workarea list latch 212,916 0.00 0.00 0 0  
Shared B-Tree 140 0.00   0 0  
active checkpoint queue latch 19,076 0.00   0 0  
active service list 10,620 0.00   0 1,443 0.00
archive control 171 0.00   0 0  
archive process latch 1,264 0.00   0 0  
begin backup scn array 97 0.00   0 0  
cache buffer handles 29,690 0.00   0 0  
cache buffers chains 25,794,201 0.06 0.00 0 144,156 0.00
cache buffers lru chain 100,078 0.00 0.00 0 104,864 0.00
cache table scan latch 0     0 4,143 0.00
channel handle pool latch 727 0.28 0.00 0 0  
channel operations parent latch 22,598 0.01 0.00 0 0  
checkpoint queue latch 199,686 0.00 0.00 0 25,884 0.00
client/application info 4,129 0.02 0.00 0 0  
commit callback allocation 44 0.00   0 0  
compile environment latch 57,662 0.00   0 0  
constraint object allocation 4 0.00   0 0  
dictionary lookup 2 0.00   0 0  
dml lock allocation 73,015 0.01 0.00 0 0  
dummy allocation 868 0.12 0.00 0 0  
enqueue hash chains 955,248 0.01 0.00 0 635 0.00
enqueues 702,751 0.06 0.00 0 0  
event group latch 310 0.00   0 0  
file cache latch 204 0.00   0 0  
global KZLD latch for mem in SGA 300 0.00   0 0  
global tx hash mapping 214,810 0.00 0.00 0 0  
hash table column usage latch 3,683 0.00   0 2,200,427 0.00
hash table modification latch 441 0.00   0 0  
job workq parent latch 0     0 270 0.00
job_queue_processes parameter latch 191 0.00   0 0  
kks stats 115,945 0.61 0.55 14 0  
kmcptab latch 1 0.00   0 0  
kmcpvec latch 0     0 1 0.00
ksuosstats global area 244 0.00   0 0  
ktm global data 86 0.00   0 0  
kwqbsn:qsga 138 0.00   0 0  
lgwr LWN SCN 16,592 0.01 0.00 0 0  
library cache 9,665,249 2.07 0.49 12171 56,018 55.79
library cache load lock 2,072 0.00   0 0  
library cache lock 1,839,349 0.03 0.00 0 0  
library cache lock allocation 59,758 0.00 0.00 0 0  
library cache pin 2,465,025 0.03 0.02 0 13,315 0.00
library cache pin allocation 62,574 0.01 0.00 0 0  
list of block allocation 1,487 0.00   0 0  
loader state object freelist 490 0.00   0 0  
logminer context allocation 2 0.00   0 0  
longop free list parent 1 0.00   0 1 0.00
message pool operations parent latch 172 0.00   0 0  
messages 110,698 0.03 0.00 0 0  
mostly latch-free SCN 16,608 0.08 0.00 0 0  
multiblock read objects 10,460 0.00   0 0  
ncodef allocation latch 69 0.00   0 0  
object queue header heap 801 0.00   0 524 0.00
object queue header operation 280,979 0.00 0.00 0 0  
object stats modification 109 0.00   0 0  
parallel query alloc buffer 476 0.00   0 0  
parameter list 1,327 0.00   0 0  
parameter table allocation management 541 0.18 0.00 0 0  
post/wait queue 12,705 0.00   0 8,105 0.00
process allocation 602 0.66 0.50 0 309 0.32
process group creation 602 0.17 0.00 0 0  
qmn task queue latch 512 0.00   0 0  
redo allocation 75,435 0.13 0.01 0 156,946 0.04
redo copy 0     0 156,971 0.83
redo writing 71,856 0.01 0.29 0 0  
resmgr group change latch 925 0.00   0 0  
resmgr:actses active list 1,690 0.00   0 0  
resmgr:actses change group 454 0.00   0 0  
resmgr:actses change state 16 0.00   0 0  
resmgr:free threads list 860 0.12 0.00 0 0  
resmgr:resource group CPU method 9,180 0.36 0.00 0 0  
resmgr:schema config 821 0.00   0 0  
row cache objects 20,204,684 0.19 0.00 4 27,056 0.25
rules engine aggregate statistics 8 0.00   0 0  
rules engine rule set statistics 216 0.00   0 0  
sequence cache 1,517 0.00   0 0  
session allocation 1,432,102 0.36 0.00 0 0  
session idle bit 831,718 0.00 0.05 0 0  
session state list latch 1,134 0.00   0 0  
session switching 69 0.00   0 0  
session timer 1,443 0.00   0 0  
shared pool 3,735,553 2.57 0.55 2475 0  
sim partition latch 2 0.00   0 56 0.00
simulator hash latch 928,344 0.00 0.00 0 0  
simulator lru latch 839,282 0.11 0.00 0 83,920 0.00
slave class 4 0.00   0 0  
slave class create 16 12.50 1.00 0 0  
sort extent pool 1,924 0.00   0 0  
state object free list 24 0.00   0 0  
statistics aggregation 280 0.00   0 0  
temp lob duration state obj allocation 1 0.00   0 0  
temporary table state object allocation 7 0.00   0 0  
threshold alerts latch 271 0.00   0 0  
transaction allocation 19,508 0.00   0 0  
transaction branch allocation 171,459 0.00 0.00 0 0  
undo global data 140,430 0.00 0.00 0 0  
user lock 47,356 0.63 0.60 8 0  

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Latch Sleep Breakdown

Latch NameGet RequestsMissesSleepsSpin GetsSleep1Sleep2Sleep3
library cache 9,665,249 200,402 97,248 112,547 0 0 0
shared pool 3,735,553 95,907 52,907 49,028 0 0 0
row cache objects 20,204,684 39,132 127 39,010 0 0 0
cache buffers chains 25,794,201 15,288 3 15,285 0 0 0
session allocation 1,432,102 5,203 3 5,200 0 0 0
simulator lru latch 839,282 891 1 890 0 0 0
library cache pin 2,465,025 808 15 793 0 0 0
kks stats 115,945 711 393 331 0 0 0
library cache lock 1,839,349 611 1 610 0 0 0
user lock 47,356 297 177 121 0 0 0
redo allocation 75,435 98 1 97 0 0 0
session idle bit 831,718 21 1 20 0 0 0
redo writing 71,856 7 2 5 0 0 0
In memory undo latch 82,320 5 2 3 0 0 0
process allocation 602 4 2 2 0 0 0
slave class create 16 2 2 0 0 0 0

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Latch Miss Sources

Latch NameWhereNoWait Misses SleepsWaiter Sleeps
In memory undo latch ktiFlush: child 0 2 1
cache buffers chains kcbgtcr: kslbegin excl 0 3 3
cache buffers chains kcbgtcr: fast path 0 2 2
cache buffers chains kcbgtcr: kslbegin shared 0 1 1
cost function kzulgt: find user res 0 97 106
cost function kzulrl 0 80 71
kks stats kks stats alloc/free 0 393 393
library cache kglpndl: child: before processing 0 12,613 15,617
library cache kglic 0 5,981 5,874
library cache kglobpn: child: 0 5,186 6,944
library cache kgldti: 2child 0 4,445 2,966
library cache kglukp: child 0 4,170 4,971
library cache kglhdgn: child: 0 4,001 9,581
library cache kglpnp: child 0 3,810 5,954
library cache kglpndl: child: after processing 0 3,442 719
library cache kglpin 0 2,847 2,942
library cache kgldte: child 0 0 2,734 2,775
library cache kglpin: child: heap processing 0 2,545 1,973
library cache kglpnc: child 0 2,304 3,598
library cache kglrtl 0 1,019 167
library cache kglhdgc: child: 0 818 2,211
library cache kglobld 0 703 1,211
library cache kglati 0 253 65
library cache kglnti 0 94 107
library cache kgldtld: 2child 0 45 45
library cache kglhdiv: child 0 6 0
library cache kglpin: child: KGLMX 0 5 1
library cache kglalt: child 0 4 4
library cache kglupd: child 0 4 0
library cache kglini: child 0 3 5
library cache kglobr: child 0 2 3
library cache kglivl: child 0 1 0
library cache kglver: child 0 1 4
library cache lock kgllkdl: child: no lock handle 0 3,441 3,931
library cache lock kgllkdl: child: cleanup 0 1 1
library cache pin kglpnal: child: alloc space 0 7 7
library cache pin kglpndl 0 7 5
library cache pin kglpnc: child 0 1 3
process allocation ksucrp 0 2 0
redo allocation kcrfw_redo_gen: redo allocation 1 0 1 0
redo writing kcrfsr: rba scn pair 0 2 0
row cache objects kqreqd: reget 0 54 0
row cache objects kqrpre: find obj 0 32 95
row cache objects kqrso 0 28 3
row cache objects kqreqd 0 10 6
session allocation ksufap: active sessions 0 1 0
session allocation ksuprc 0 1 2
session allocation ksuxds: not user session 0 1 0
session idle bit ksupuc: set busy 0 1 0
shared pool kghfrunp: clatch: wait 0 29,300 25,572
shared pool kghfrunp: alloc: cursor dur 0 21,321 9,466
shared pool kghalo 0 14,081 16,718
shared pool kghfrunp: clatch: nowait 0 7,464 0
shared pool kghfre 0 6,437 6,024
shared pool kghupr1 0 5,133 14,388
shared pool kghalp 0 3,195 4,551
shared pool kghfrunp: alloc: session dur 0 2,356 1,134
shared pool kghasp 0 193 226
shared pool kghfrunp: alloc: wait 0 166 364
shared pool kghfree_extents: scan 0 17 33
shared pool kghfrh 0 8 2
simulator lru latch kcbs_simulate: simulate set 0 1 1
slave class create ksvcreate 0 2 0

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Parent Latch Statistics

No data exists for this section of the report.

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Child Latch Statistics

No data exists for this section of the report.

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Segment Statistics

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Segments by Logical Reads

OwnerTablespace NameObject NameSubobject NameObj. TypeLogical Reads%Total
SYS SYSTEM OBJ$   TABLE 1,375,088 10.26
CCS_HCM USERS KHACHHANGS_052009   TABLE 1,194,032 8.91
CCS_CBG USERS CT_NO_042009   TABLE 576,784 4.30

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Segments by Physical Reads

OwnerTablespace NameObject NameSubobject NameObj. TypePhysical Reads%Total
CCS_HCM USERS PK_CTNO_052009   INDEX 180 0.12

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Segments by Row Lock Waits

OwnerTablespace NameObject NameSubobject NameObj. TypeRow Lock Waits% of Capture

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Segments by ITL Waits

No data exists for this section of the report.

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Segments by Buffer Busy Waits

OwnerTablespace NameObject NameSubobject NameObj. TypeBuffer Busy Waits% of Capture
CCS_HCM USERS PK_CTNO_052009   INDEX 1 50.00

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Dictionary Cache Stats

CacheGet RequestsPct MissScan ReqsPct MissMod ReqsFinal Usage
dc_awr_control 68 0.00 0   4 1
dc_constraints 60 51.67 0   60 16
dc_database_links 137,910 0.00 0   0 5
dc_files 10 0.00 0   0 0
dc_global_oids 5,353 0.47 0   0 37
dc_histogram_data 826,000 1.18 0   0 17,746
dc_histogram_defs 591,680 2.25 0   0 12,374
dc_object_grants 255,569 0.07 0   0 538
dc_object_ids 2,242,143 0.27 0   2 8,555
dc_objects 192,377 0.97 0   100 1,722
dc_profiles 785 0.13 0   0 6
dc_rollback_segments 42,767 0.00 0   0 918
dc_segments 719,130 0.90 0   30 8,619
dc_sequences 29 10.34 0   29 4
dc_tablespace_quotas 85 12.94 0   0 10
dc_tablespaces 873,736 0.00 0   0 7
dc_usernames 3,282 0.94 0   0 34
dc_users 1,752,121 0.00 0   0 200
outstanding_alerts 106 6.60 0   8 17

Back to Top

Library Cache Activity

NamespaceGet RequestsPct MissPin RequestsPct MissReloadsInvali- dations
BODY 1,380 0.87 121,804 0.04 29 0
CLUSTER 277 0.00 394 0.00 0 0
INDEX 103 0.00 216 0.00 0 0
SQL AREA 53,281 35.95 551,023 11.19 16,330 664
TABLE/PROCEDURE 193,912 0.13 674,912 0.13 432 0
TRIGGER 672 4.02 4,592 2.64 94 0

Back to Top

Memory Statistics

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Process Memory Summary

CategoryAlloc (MB)Used (MB)Avg Alloc (MB)Std Dev Alloc (MB)Max Alloc (MB)Hist Max Alloc (MB)Num ProcNum Alloc
B Other 626.87   4.24 5.60 40 40 148 148
  SQL 120.30 84.26 0.88 1.14 8 141 137 135
  Freeable 82.69 0.00 0.94 0.79 7   88 88
  PL/SQL 32.65 19.39 0.22 0.25 1 22 146 146
  JAVA 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.00 1 1 1 1
E Other 734.45   4.42 7.84 92 92 166 166
  SQL 155.77 97.69 1.00 1.67 17 207 155 153
  Freeable 100.69 0.00 1.01 0.77 7   100 100
  PL/SQL 36.70 21.47 0.22 0.24 1 22 164 164
  JAVA 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.00 1 1 1 1

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SGA Memory Summary

SGA regionsBegin Size (Bytes)End Size (Bytes) (if different)
Database Buffers 6,056,574,976  
Fixed Size 1,994,424  
Redo Buffers 14,778,368  
Variable Size 3,590,328,648  

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SGA breakdown difference

PoolNameBegin MBEnd MB% Diff
java free memory 9.49 9.49 0.00
java joxlod exec hp 6.39 6.39 0.00
large CTWR dba buffer 1.80 1.80 0.00
large PX msg pool 1.03 1.03 0.00
large free memory 11.19 11.19 0.00
large krcc extent chunk 1.98 1.98 0.00
shared CCursor 899.01 871.32 -3.08
shared CURSOR STATS 72.86 72.86 0.00
shared KGLS heap 170.61 162.26 -4.90
shared PCursor 768.91 786.26 2.26
shared db_block_hash_buckets 33.63 33.63 0.00
shared free memory 227.58 237.21 4.23
shared kglsim object batch 66.97 66.97 0.00
shared library cache 246.77 268.56 8.83
shared sql area 428.15 430.99 0.66
shared sql area:PLSQL 88.76 86.40 -2.65
streams free memory 16.00 16.00 0.00
  buffer_cache 5,776.00 5,776.00 0.00
  fixed_sga 1.90 1.90 0.00
  log_buffer 14.09 14.09 0.00

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Streams Statistics

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Streams CPU/IO Usage

Session TypeCPU TimeUser I/O TimeSys I/O Time
QMON Slaves 87,384 0 0
QMON Coordinator 37,787 0 0

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Streams Capture

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Streams Apply

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Buffered Queues

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Buffered Subscribers

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Rule Set

Ruleset NameEvalsFast EvalsSQL ExecsCPU TimeElapsed Time
SYS.ALERT_QUE_R 8 0 0 0 56

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Resource Limit Stats

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init.ora Parameters

Parameter NameBegin valueEnd value (if different)
_kgl_large_heap_warning_threshold 25165824   
audit_file_dest /u02/app/oracle/admin/VNP/adump   
background_dump_dest /u02/app/oracle/admin/VNP/bdump   
control_files /vnporadataSYSTEM/VNP/control01.ctl, /vnporadataSYSTEM/VNP/control02.ctl, /vnporadataSYSTEM/VNP/control03.ctl, /vnprctl/controlVNP_multiplex/control04.ctl, /vnprctl/controlVNP_multiplex/control05.ctl, /vnprctl/controlVNP_multiplex/control06.ctl   
core_dump_dest /u02/app/oracle/admin/VNP/cdump   
cursor_sharing SIMILAR   
db_block_size 8192   
db_file_multiblock_read_count 16   
db_flashback_retention_target 2880   
db_name VNP   
fast_start_mttr_target 990   
job_queue_processes 15   
log_archive_dest_1 LOCATION=/vnporadataUSERS/archiveVNP_dest1   
log_archive_format VNP_%t_%s_%r.arc   
log_archive_max_processes 2   
log_archive_start TRUE   
nls_territory VIETNAM   
open_cursors 4000   
open_links 200   
open_links_per_instance 200   
pga_aggregate_target 4294967296   
processes 600   
remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE   
resource_limit FALSE   
resource_manager_plan CCBS_PLAN   
session_cached_cursors 200   
sessions 700   
sga_target 9663676416   
sql_trace FALSE   
trace_enabled FALSE   
undo_management AUTO   
undo_retention 1600   
undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1   
user_dump_dest /u02/app/oracle/admin/VNP/udump   

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End of Report